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Few weeks later

Three weeks had already passed and since then, we've been in constant preparation for the upcoming baby shower that we believe is gonna be a blast.

" So how many people are we talking about here?" Harry asked.

" Uhmm... Lemme check.... Okay I think just 50 people that we know" I said. He thought for a second then nodded.

" Okay, put that down!" He said and immediately, I wrote down the number of people we needed.

" What about Imogen, by the way?" I asked.

" She's having a nap" he replied and I just nodded.

" Oh okay, she really needs rest anyways" I shrugged.

" Daddy..." A familiar, sweet voice entered into the study room.

" Yes, Blake?" Harry replied.

" Look at what I did" She said, trying to show him a drawing.

" Look Blake, I'm really busy right now, I don't really have time to check out your work"

" But daddy, it's beautiful..." She said, trying to persuade him.

" Harry, just have a peek , it won't hurt" I said.

" Yeah" Blakely supported me.

" Can't you see they're so many things going on in my head? I'm really sorry Blake, maybe some other time, but now is not a good time, so go play with your dolls or something" Harry said. I knew he was stressed out but that was somewhat harsh.

" Okay..." Blake turned around to leave but as she reached the door, I could have sworn that I heard her mumble.

" That wasn't really nice, Harry. She's your daughter" I said.

" Look, Arielle, I'll deal with Blake later but right now, let's focus on what we were doing" he said.

I shook my head distastefully then continued with what I was doing. I sure hope Blake is alright.



I ran down the stairs, not caring if I would trip and fall. Then I walked over to the pool, sat down by it and stared at the water, trying to remember what just happened.

" Blake!!!"

I looked up and saw Uncle Zayn walking over to me.

" Hey sweet cheeks" he said, sitting beside me.

" Hey" I bluntly said.

" Mmm... What's up with the sad attitude" he asked.

" It's daddy...again" I said.

" What happened to Daddy?" He asked.

" He's so so so busy to spend enough time with me" I said.

" I wish I could understand what you mean by that" uncle Zayn said.

" Few minutes ago, I brought one of my drawings to daddy, hoping he'd like it but instead all he could do was just tell me that he has no time to look at it. My daddy hasn't spent enough time with me for weeks now and it's really hurting me"

Tears poured down my cheeks as I continued to pour down my pain.

" Hey, baby girl" Uncle Zayn said, bringing me towards himself.

" Hello" I mumbled and he chuckled.

" Look, I understand how you feel and I know you have every right to be mad at your dad, but you should also understand that he's stressed out lately. It has not been really easy for him, you know...going to the studio and then coming back home to plan things out, he's just trying to balance things out, okay?" He said.

" Alright, I guess I'm being a bit too hard on him too" I shrugged.

" No, you're not ...by the way, what is it that you wanted to show him?" He asked.

Then I gave him my drawing.

" Wow, you drew this?" He asked, surprised and I nodded.

" This is so amazing" he said.

" Yeah, so this is daddy, mommy, aunt Ari, uncle Niall, uncle Liam, you, grandma , aunt Gemma, uncle Louis, me and the unborn baby" I pointed out the figures according to what I drew.

" This is extremely cute, you know?"

" Thank you, Uncle Zayn, you're the best"

" So what do you say that we go out for ice cream" he said.

" Yay!! Ice cream!!!" I exclaimed then the both of us left the pool, went into the car then we both left the house for ice cream.



I looked at how Harry paced around the study room, trying to get things together.

" You know, you really need to rest, you're kinda stressing yourself out" I said.

" And you know, I really want to make sure, it turns out the best" he replied.

" Harry...have a seat" I commanded.

" No" he answered.

" Have. A. Seat" I spelt out seriously then he sat down.

" Have a glass of water" I gave him my glass of water and he drank it thirstily.

" Thanks" he said.

" You're welcome... But please you know I can totally handle this, beside Gemma can be of really good help" I said.

" I know, but it's also my responsibility" he said and I rolled my eyes.

" Well, your responsibility is really making your daughter sad...You're really being hard on blake" I told him and he sighed deeply.

" You haven't spent enough time with her these few weeks and you know it" I said.

" Gosh, I didn't even realize it" he put his hand to his face.

" You know you have to make things right with her before she begins to forget about you"  I said.

" Okay, I've heard you, I'll make things right with her." He said

" That's good... Anyways I have to go, got to see Dalia" I stood up then left the study room.

I really hope Harry will take things okay...

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now