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Louis and I finally got downstairs where we saw the others sitted in the living room probably discussing about something.

" Hello peasants" Louis greeted in a fake-royal way and the others looked up at us.

" Hey Arielle" the boys said while I smiled and said "hey"

" So how was your first night here?" Liam asked.

" Delightful, I really enjoyed my sleep here" I truthfully said causing them to smile.

" That's good, like I said you're not a guest here, you're more than welcome here and this is home" Zayn said and I nodded.

" Yeah, what he said" Niall shrugged and I laughed.

" Yeah you guys are right"

Looking around, I noticed that Harry and imogen weren't in the living room.

" Uhmm...boys?"

" Yeah" they all replied.

" What about imogen and Harry?" I asked.

" They should be in the kitchen" Niall answered and my mind blew. Harry plus imogen in one place equals disaster.

I went into the kitchen and saw Harry and imogen... Working together?!?! . I really expected to see Harry trying to avoid my best friend but this seemed like a total plot twist.

" Uhhh..." I trailed off and they both turned to look at me.

" Hey Ari" they both said simultaneously with a smile.

" H..hey" I said sitting by the counter.

" So how was your night" imogen asked.

" Pretty much good, I enjoyed it , what about you?" I asked.

" It was amazing, thank you" she smiled.

" That's good to know" I nervously laughed.

" So whatcha cooking, you guys?" I asked.

" Grilled cheese sandwiches" Harry answered.

" Oh okay..., I'll be right back" I slipped away back to the living room.

" Okay someone please tell me what the hell is going on" I whisper yelled.

" What's the problem?" Louis asked.

" How in the world is imogen and Harry working together in one place at the same time without Harry trying to run away or avoid her?" I dramatically said.

" Yeah, that's true" Niall nodded.

" You noticed too?" I asked and he nodded again.

" Well it might be that Harry is learning to warm up to her" Zayn shrugged.

" Or they might be falling in love" Louis snickered and I gave him a 'really'look that made him shut up.

" Or not" I said.

" I think you need to relax Ari, you're been a bit dramatic now" Louis said holding my shoulders and I sighed.

" Guys it's time for breakfast" we heard Imogen's voice.

" Finally" Niall passed us then ran to the dining which made us laugh.

Then we all walked to the dining table and sat down by it.

" Thanks Harry for this wonderful meal" I said keeping my plate in the sink and washing it.

" You're welcome" he kissed my head and I just giggled.

" I was wondering if imogen and I could go to the mall together to get some things" I said to Harry and he just gave me a look that I didn't understand.

" Alone?"

" Not really, I will be going with Imogen" I smiled.

" Can I come with. You know you need a male figure for protection" he said and I looked at him with disbelief.

" I don't seem to get your point, Harry"

" What I mean is, you girls just came to Los Angeles and you might not know where the mall is located and besides it's not so hard for you to ask me to get you something"

He was already hitting my mad side but no I refuse to be angry.

" Ever heard of GPS?" I sarcastically asked.

" Now is not the time to sass me , Arielle"

You see anytime Harry calls my name seriously, he's mad or is about to be mad at me.

" Just let me go"

" Ari..."

" Please, I'm old enough to make my own decisions, Harry"

Then he sighed deeply which meant that he felt a bit defeated.

" Fine, but you have just an hour to get back here" he groaned and I hugged him dearly.

" You better get moving before I change my mind" he said and I ran upstairs, grabbed the car keys and ran back down.

" You're taking the car?" He asked.

" I took driving lessons back in London"

" And you passed?" He asked.

" Yep, I did " I nodded. Then I grabbed Imogen and we both walked to the car.

" Overprotective brother, am I right?" She laughed as we both got seated.

" You have no idea" I shook my head then started the car then before you know it we were finally out of the driveway.


I really hope Ari will be okay. I know she's old enough to take care of herself but sometimes she needs to be watched. Ugh, I feel so overprotective of my little sister now. I understand she needs a life of her own but I still care for her and I don't wish anything bad for her. What if she's crowded by some fans as the world as perceived that she's my sister.

Calm down Harry, Ari will be fine and will be back in an hour.

" Harry" Niall's voice brought me back to reality.

" Huh?"

" Everything okay?" He asked.

" What?" I confusedly asked and he shook his head.

" You've been in space for a long time that's what" he answered.

" Oh that... Everything's fine"

" If you say so, besides that, I'm craving for some ice cream" he said opening the fridge and my eyes went wide.

" You just ate breakfast some minutes ago"

" When the stomach commands, I obey" he simply said then took out a huge bowl of ice cream and walked back to the living room where I guess the others were watching a movie.

Sighing loudly, I walked to them and joined them in a movie they were watching.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now