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The driver pulled up in front of the house and we all got out with our luggages while Harry carried a sleeping Blakely into the house.

" Feels so good to be back" Niall exhaled then walked upstairs with Zayn .

Then the rest of us went upstairs to our rooms to settle down.

I changed into my PJs and put my hair up as I got ready for bed, then an idea crossed my mind.

I should probably thank Louis for helping me out tonight.

I sighed at the idea then left my room and walked over to his door.

Knocking on it gently, I heard a deep voice say 'come in'. I opened the door slowly and saw Louis on his bed, phone in hand.

" Arielle?" He said.

" Hey" I said, closing the door behind me slowly.

" What are you doing here?" He asked.

" I came here to..you know...thank you for your help tonight" I said and he nodded.

" You're welcome" he said then an awkward silence stepped in.

" Uhh... I guess this is goodnight" I said about to turn and leave.

" I'm sorry" he said and I looked at him confusedly.

" What?" I said.

" I'm sorry for how I've been ignoring lately, it was really immature of me." He apologized.

" It's okay, but why did you ignore me?" I asked and he sighed, as if he was looking for what to say.

" It's nothing, I've just had a lot going on in my mind lately"

" Oh... Okay, it's fine... I should get to bed now... Goodnight" I said.

" Goodnight" he said then I left his room and walked over to mine, already satisfied.

I layed down on my bed and went to sleep almost immediately.


Later that night

" You know Blake, this seems like a very good day" Arielle said to blake making the little girl smile.

" Of course, I mean see the flowers" Blake said with a giggle.

As the both of them kept walking, Blake noticed a crowd of people running towards them .

" Aunt Arielle?"

" Yeah?"

" Look" she said.

Arielle looked up and saw the crowd as they approached them.

" Oh no, come on Blake" Arielle held Blake's hand as the both of them ran.

The crowd approached them and in a matter of minutes, Blake's hand was swiped away from Arielle's.

" Blake!!!" Arielle called out as she turned around looking for Blake .

" Aunt Arielle, save me" Blake's voice could be heard from the crowd which made Arielle scared.

Arielle tried to get Blake out of the crowd but it just seemed like the people had already gotten hold of Blake.

" Aunt Arielle!!!"


" Blake!!" I sprouted up from my bed quickly, looked around then sighed.

It was a nightmare.

I rubbed my face and sighed deeply again.

" I better go check on Blake" I said as I got out of bed, walked out of my room and went into Blake's room.

I opened her door slowly, careful not to wake her up then closed it immediately I got in.

I walked over to the sleeping child, and saw down beside her.

As I watched her sleep, I noticed that her breathing was far from normal. I put my hand to her chest and felt her chest move up and down rapidly.

" Blake?" I called out , hoping she'd hear me.

I tried to wake her up but it seemed like she couldn't hear me, I held up her hand and checked her pulse and I noticed how weak and pale she was.

What was happening?

Beads of sweat were littered on her face which made me more frightened. It wasn't even hot tonight, how come she's sweating?

" Blake? Hey wake up" I said putting her head to my lap .

" Darling?" I said again.

" Guys!!!" I called out loudly hoping everyone would hear me.

" Help!!! Guys!!!" I shouted then the door bursted open and everyone ran into the room.

" What happened?" Louis asked.

" It's Blake" I cried out.

" What?" Harry said and walked over to me.

" What happened to her" imogen asked.

" I don't know, I just came to check on her and saw her like this" I said.

Harry put his ear to her chest and his eyes went wide.

" Blake?" He called out but blake didn't even open her eyes.

" Hey baby, it's me daddy, just open your eyes" Harry said.

" Sweetie?" Imogen said but no sign of her waking up.

" Someone get my car keys" Harry yelled and Niall ran out to get the car keys while Harry carried Blake downstairs.

We all ran downstairs and outside to the car. Niall tossed the keys to me and I ran over to the driver's seat while Harry and imogen went into the backseat, still holding Blake.

" We'll follow up" Zayn said as he and the rest of the boys got into another car.

I turned on the ignition switch and drove out of the house with speed.

It was time to go the hospital.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now