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I watched as the woman kept driving. She seemed very focused on the road. I couldn't help but notice her features. I noticed that she looked a bit like Arielle. Wow.

" Uhmm... Ma'am, who were you talking about earlier?" I asked as my impatience grew.

" Are you looking for your girlfriend?" She asked without looking at me and my eyes went wide.

" How do you know that?" I asked surprisingly and she chuckled a bit.

" I noticed a guy taking a girl away with him" she bluntly said.

" What?" I asked, not quite understanding what she was trying to say.

" Your girlfriend has been kidnapped" she said and my eyes went wide.

" What the fuck?" I yelled.

" Calm down, I can guess where she was taken too. All I want you to do now is to call the police to come over to the abandoned house near downtown street" she instructed and immediately I pulled out my phone to alert the police.



My whole life flashed before my eyes as I figured out what this really strange man was about to do to me and I continued to struggle for him to leave me alone.

" Just keep still, princess" the man grunted but I refused to listen. I prayed in my heart that something should make him stop this act.

As if on cue, a phone rang and he groaned angrily. He finally left me and went out of the room to answer the phone.

While he was distracted, I pulled out the piece of the broken bottle and began to cut through the ropes, not caring about the scars that where already formed in my hand.

After a while, I was able to cut through the ropes . I stood up from the bed, looked around the room for anything I could use to get the small window because of my height.

I then noticed a stool standing at the dark side of the room, I grabbed it immediately and leaned it against the wall.

I heard footsteps approaching. Oh no, he was back.

I quickly hid behind the door until he opened the door. I held my breath for a while hoping he won't hear me breath loudly.

" I'm back" he walked over to the bed but was disappointed.

" What the... What the hell... Where could that girl be?" He asked looking around the room.

Seeing how distracted he was, I took out the piece of the broke bottle and stabbed him in the back. He groaned in pain then fell to the ground.

I seized the opportunity to run away. I ran out of the room but unfortunately for me, I came across different hallways which occurred to me that I was in some sort of mansion that looked abandoned.

" Where are you princess?" I heard the man's voice then ran into one of the rooms nearby, locking the door in the process.

Where are you Louis?



The car came to a stop in front of some old mansion and the woman looked at me.

" We are here" she plainly said then stepped out of the car, bringing out a gun from her back pocket .

" Your girlfriend is in there" she said.

We both went in and to my greatest surprise, half of the house was completely illuminated with light while the other half was filled up with darkness.

" Hello?" The woman called out and the only thing we could hear was her echo.

" Arielle?" I called out but still no answer.


I heard some voices downstairs and decided to go slow with my breathing so that I could make out what the voices where saying.

" Arielle?" Someone called out my name. Wait that voice sounded so familiar.

" Louis" I called back running out of the room only for me to be pulled back with force.

I looked and saw that it was the strange man and he had an angry look on his face.

" So you think, you can play funny, huh?" He pointed the gun to me.

" Please..." I begged.

" I guess your little prince charming is here to save you" he chuckled evily then took me downstairs where I saw Louis with... Mrs Dury?!?

" Arielle?" Louis called out and tears rolled down my cheeks countlessly.

" What the hell are you doing, man" Mrs Dury asked

" Holding my princess hostage" the man said.

" She's not your princess you fucking loser" Louis angrily replied making the man laugh .

" You better let her go or else you're going to regret it" Mrs Dury said.

" No, what about this, you let your weapon down and everyone is happy, but if you don't , little miss princess will get it from me" the man said then pointed a gun to my head.

" Fine...." Mrs Dury slowly kept her gun down then looked at me.

" That's better" the man said.

Then an idea popped in my mind, I looked at mrs Dury who was giving me some sort of eye signal.

Immediately, I kicked the man in the balls making him fall down and clutch his manhood tightly. I took the opportunity to take the gun away from him and point it to him.

Louis then ran over to him, giving him really hard punches that kind of made me scared. Mrs Dury then pulled me to her chest and hugged me .

" It's okay darling" she said, drying the tears that rolled down my eyes.

Then we heard some sirens coming from outside.

" We called the police" Mrs Dury said making me smile.

" Thank you ma'am" I hugged her then some police rushed in and seized the man and I ran over to hug Louis.

" We came as fast as we could" one of the policemen said to us.

" We'll take care of this psycho here" another police said putting some handcuffs on the man's hand .

" Are you okay, babe?" Louis asked and I nodded then he hugged me again.

" I'll never run off again" I cried into his chest.

" I know you wouldn't" he kissed my forhead.

" Come over to my house and stay for the night, it's already 2am and staying out so late can be so dangerous" Mrs Dury suggested then the both of us nodded then she led us to her car where we all got in. Few seconds later, we were already out of the place and on the road to her house.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now