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" What's wrong darling?" Mommy asked we sat on my bed.

" It's daddy" I plainly said.

" What did he do this time?" She asked.

" He's been shutting me out like I'm a nobody" I said

" I wish I could understand what you just said" she told me.

" I've been trying to get daddy to be destressed but he keeps telling me that he's busy and that he doesn't have time" I told her.

" Awww... darling" she pulled me closer to her.

" I understand how you feel baby, but daddy is just trying to keep things in place for the upcoming occasion." She informed me.

" I know but he's been mean to me" I said.

" Don't worry baby, I'm sure your daddy didn't really mean to have treated you that way, that's what stress cause" she told me.

" I guess I've kind of misunderstood him, I hope he won't hate me" I sighed.

" No babe, daddy doesn't hate you... He loves you okay" she said.

" And I love him too...maybe I should go tell him that he's been forgiven."

" So you held a grudge against him?" Mommy asked.

" Maybe... I'll be right back. Love you Mommy" I kissed her cheek then ran out of my room and mistakenly bumped into daddy.

" Daddy..."

" I have something to say to you" he said.

" I also have something to say to you, but you go first"

" No, you go first... Ladies first" he said.

" Okay, I just want to say that I forgive you " I said.

" Really?" He asked, astonished.

" Yeah... But only because of mommy" I crossed my arms.

" Thank you so much, baby" he hugged me.

" I promise that I'll never shut you out again" he promised and I smiled.

" Pinky promise?" I asked then he interwined our pinkies together.

" Pinky promise" he finally said, making me smile.

" Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

" It's nothing...wanna go for a swim?" He asked.

" Yay" I jubilated.

" Alright then, go get ready" he instructed then we both ran to our rooms to get prepared for a swim.



Few hours later.

" That was such a good movie" I sighed.

" No kidding, really loved Johnny Depp" Dalia said dreamily.

" So you have a crush on Johnny Depp?" I asked, wriggling my eyebrows.

" Geez Arielle, I never said that" she pushed my arm playfully causing me to laugh hysterically.

" Wow, we really ate popcorn today" I looked down at the number of popcorn we've eaten and that was not a little number. I guess we were both totally lost in the movie to realize that we ate a lot of popcorns.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that evening had already dawned.

" Man, it's getting late" I announced.

" Aww, I really don't want you to leave" she whined .

" I also don't really feel like leaving, but I have to, before my mom start to get worried"

" Mom?" She asked.

" Yeah, my mom... You know Anne Styles" I said in an obvious tone.

" Oh... Yeah.... Anne Styles" she nodded with a different expression I couldn't understand.

Then we both left the theater and walked to the living room.

" I guess I'll see you at the baby shower" I said to her.

" Sure thing" she said.

" Okay, I guess this is bye for now" I smiled and she nodded slowly.

" Bye...for now" she said then I took my leave.


~ A week later ~


Today was the day...

The day when Imogens and Harry's child(ren) gender(s) will be revealed to all.

We were currently up in Imogen's room helping her get prepared.

We were currently up in Imogen's room helping her get prepared

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(Imogen's outfit)

(Imogen's outfit)

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(Make up).

" You look so beautiful dear" Mom said with a very genuine smile that lighted up the whole place.

" Thanks Anne" Imogen smiled.

" Have the guests arrived?" Blake asked.

" I'm sure they should have arrived" I said helping Imogen with her hair.

" God, I'm so nervous" Imogen breathed out.

" Why?" I asked, laughing at her.

" There are so many people out there waiting to know my baby's gender" she said then I held her face.

" Relax girlfriend, you'll do just great, besides everyone has been waiting to know the genders of your children" I said.

" Yeah..."

" At least Harry will be by your side, all through" I added.

" I sure can't wait to see him tho" she chuckled.

" Oh the love" I rolled my eyes playfully which caused her to laugh.

" Okay, girls it's time to go" Anne announced .

" Let's go" Blake held Imogen's hand and we all left her room to the awaiting guests downstairs.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now