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I pushed through the huge glass doors of the hospital then walked over to the room where the others where.

I opened the door slowly and saw an already awoken Harry , a worried looking Louis and a still unconscious Blakely.

" I'm back" I announced and the two of them looked at me and Harry rushed over to me.

" Where have you been?" He asked.

" Relax, I went for a walk" I rolled my eyes then sat on a nearby chair.

" You had us worried, Ari" Louis said and I sighed.

" I'm sorry. I just went for a walk and besides you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up" I said and Harry sighed.

" I'm sorry, if I sounded a bit strict, it's.." . Then I cut him off.

" ... Okay, it's okay" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

" Have the doctor come to check on her?" I asked and the both of them nodded.

" So .... Anything?" I asked and they shook their heads. God, I really hope Blakely is fine.

Then my mind wandered back to Mrs Dalia.

I've got to stay strong.

Next day

I felt something hot hit my eyelids. Opening my eyes slowly, I noticed the sun's rays from the window blinds.

I looked around the room and saw how Harry and Louis slept peacefully, then I darted my eyes from them to Blake and saw how peaceful she was.

I held her hand and smiled. As I held her hand, I felt something warm. I checked and saw that it was her hand. What the heck...

" Blakely?" I called out quietly, careful not to wake the sleeping beauties but all I got was no answer which made me sigh.

I went into the bathroom, did my morning business, changed into some comfy clothes and put my hair up in a ponytail.

I checked my phone and saw some texts from Imogen saying that she was on the way with the other boys. Seeing the text made me smile a bit.

I went back into the room, took a seat near Blake, lazily watching her.

" Arielle?" I heard a raspy voice. I looked and saw Louis already awake and should i say, he's morning voice sure sounded amazing.

" Hey, good morning" I greeted and he nodded then yawned.

" Morning" he replied then went into the bathroom, did his business then came out.

" Has the doctor come in yet?" He asked and I shook my head.

" Imogen texted me that she's coming with the others" I told him and he nodded.

" What about ha...oh" he said as he noticed how Harry was still asleep.

" I feel so sorry for my mate" he said and I sighed.

" Yeah, but we can't blame him, it's not been easy since Blake had shock" I told him.

Then I stood up, walked over to Harry and helped him with the covers because I had noticed, previously how the covers slipped away from his body.

We heard the door open and saw imogen with the others coming in.

" Guys" I went over to them and hugged each and every one of them.

" How are you doing?" Zayn asked.

" I'm okay, I guess" I shrugged and imogen smiled.

" It's okay, bestie" she hugged me.

" We brought food" Niall announced holding up some bags.

" I made breakfast" imogen smiled proudly.

" Thanks guys" Louis said. Then niall handed the bags to us.

" What about Harry" she asked and I moved my head causing her to notice him.

She walked over to him then kissed his lips gently and with that, my wonderful brother woke up and kissed her back.

" Babe?" Harry's morning voice sounded.

" Hey, babe good morning" imogen greeted.

" It's morning already?" He asked, looking at us and we nodded at the same time.

Then Harry stood you, walked over to Blakely and kissed her forehead gently.

" Good morning, princess" he smiled then looked at us.

" Doctor?" He asked, and for a while I was confused until I later got the message.

" No" I said and he sighed.

" Don't worry mate, we've got to stay strong for Blake" liam held Harry's shoulder.

" He's right, let's not lose hope besides the doctor said she might regain her conciousness faster due to her age" Niall said.

" Thanks guys" Harry said.

" Now,now time to eat your breakfast" Imogen said to him, bringing Harry's food to him.

" I don't feel like it" he whined.

" I won't take no as an answer, you better take in something right now" imogen said.

" But..."

" Do you want to harm yourself, just eat something please" imogen pleaded until Harry finally gave in.

" That's more like it" she beamed up with a smile. And with that, we all had a laugh.

It felt so good to laugh again even though we weren't really happy.

Then we all settled down and enjoyed our breakfast which consisted of pancakes and some Starbucks coffee .

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now