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A/n: Wrote this on my tablet, so sorry if there are any mistakes.


" Mmm... This tastes so good" imogen moaned as she took a bite of the ham sandwiches I made for lunch.

" Thank you" I replied with a huge smile on my face.

" I wish I could eat this every single day" Arielle said with a mouthful of sandwich.

" Careful dear, so you don't choke yourself" I cautioned her and she gave me a nervous smile.

" But... Thanks for complimenting my food by the way" I said to them and the both of them nodded.

After a while, we put the remains in the trashcan and cleaned ourselves up.

" Can I have a bottle of water" Arielle asked politely.

" Sure thing" I handed a bottled water over to her and she gulped it down thirstily, then imogen took if from her and drank the remains.

" So, Dalia you haven't told us the condition of Imogen's baby" Arielle reminded me.

" Oh that's right, Imogen... Your baby is in total good shape, but just make sure you do some exercise, drink more water and eat healthy" I advised and the 18 year old nodded slowly.

" Alright, thank you very much" she thanked me and I nodded.

" Uhmm... Dalia , may I ask you a question?" Arielle requested.

" Sure, what is it?" I asked.

" Do you by any chance know a little girl called Blakely"

Blakely... The name sure rings a bell...

" Blakely?" I asked, trying to remember.

" Yes" the both of them said together.

Then it hit me...

" Oh... Yes Blakely, of course I remember her"

" Really?" An expectant Imogen asked.

" Yes , that little girl was such a joy... But why do you ask?" I asked .

" Well... Let's just say, she stays with us and speaks about you sometimes" Arielle said.

" Oh really? That's nice" I nodded.

As we kept discussing about random stuffs, Arielle unknowingly flipped her ponytail and a familiar star birthmark rested on her neck.

I think I've seen this birthmark before.

" Uhmm.. Arielle?" I said, getting her attention.

" Yeah?" She asked.

" I really love your neck birthmark" I complimented.

" Uhmm... Thanks , It has always been there since I was a baby... I guess" she shrugged.

Then my mind travelled to the past, recalling past events


The baby cried helplessly as Dalia carried her.

" That child will not have a place in my house" her past husband yelled at her making her to yelp.

" But she's our daughter" Dalia cried out.

" Daughter my foot, I never asked for a child or at least, a girl child. I don't know where you got that child but she will never have a place in my house"

" Raymond..."

" It's either you get rid of this baby or I kill her with my hands and there's nothing you'll be able to do about it" Raymond yelled out loud, hitting Dalia by the way.


Dalia held on to the helpless baby in the cold, walking through the streets alone. Until she got so weak, almost to the point of dying.

She looked at the houses lined up in a row then noticed a happy family sitted across each other and it was at that time, she wished for her baby to have a happy family.

Dalia, then noticed a sharp pin object then used it to trace a star shape on the baby's neck making the little child cry with all her might.

" I hope to see you again, baby" she cried out then placed the baby in a box that layed idly on an already cleared out lawn.

" I believe we'll see again, don't worry, I'll always find you and then I believe we'll be reunited again in love. Mommy loves you" then she gave her daughter a last kiss and also took a photo of her before exiting the place.

Flashback ends~

And that was when it dawned on me immediately.

Arielle was my long lost daughter.



" Thanks for today, Dalia" I said as we were about to leave the hospital.

" No worries, it was nice having you two by the way" she said with a smile.

" Same" imogen said.

" So, I think we'd probably be on my way now , cause our family might be waiting" I said.

" I understand...but don't forget about my advise, Imogen" Dalia reminded her and she nodded frantically.

" I won't "

" That's good,see you girls again?" She asked.

" You will" I smiled and she nodded.

" Bye Dalia" Imogen and I said before leaving the hospital.

" Well... Mrs Dalia ain't so bad after all" imogen said and I chuckled.

" She's never bad, she's such a mother" I said.

" A very good one, her kids are probably proud to have her as a mom" imogen said and I shrugged then started the car and before you know it, we were already out of the hospital on our way back home.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now