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I sniffed for the millionth time as my mind still went back to today's event. It was already evening and I couldn't believe I've been in my room for a super long time. Curse my super emotional self.

Liam had called me down for supper but I totally ignored him as I was in no mood to eat anything now.

I looked out my window and studied how the trees surrounding the house swayed as the breeze touched them.

I heard my door open and close but didn't even care to look at who it was, cause the pain and anger that filled my heart was something I couldn't explain.

" Aunt Arielle"


" What is it, Blake" I said still not looking at her.

" I came here to check up on you because you didn't come down for dinner" she said.

" I'm not interested in eating anything at the moment" I replied.

" But why?" She asked.

" I'm not just in the mood, Blake"

" Did anyone hurt you?" She asked and I sighed.

" That's not your business, Blake" I simply replied.

" Why are you not looking at me? Did I annoy you?" She asked.

" Just go back to Harry, Blake , cause right now I just want to be alone" I closed my eyes.

" Why?" She asked. Okay now she was getting on my nerves a bit.

" Just listen to me and go back downstairs" I said.

" Aunt..."

" Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf or something, I said you should go back downstairs. Can't I at least have my own time alone? Stop disturbing my peace Blake because my feelings are none of your business. Just back to Harry and leave me alone" I practically yelled at the little girl who had a frightened expression on her face.

Just as I expected, she began to cry which was so loud. With that, I let out some tears as I didn't mean to make her cry.

My door flinged open as Harry and the others bursted in with surprised looks on their faces.

" What in the world happened?" Niall asked looking around.

" What is it?" Imogen asked.

" Blake" Harry rushed over to Blake and crouched down to her level, then began to wipe her face.

" What happened to you darling?" Harry asked but she cried the more which made Harry look at me.

" What happened here, Arielle?" He asked getting back on his feet.

" I... I.. I..."

Then he cut me short.

" You what? Tell me you what? We heard you yelling from downstairs and moments later we heard Blake's cry" Harry said already getting angry.

" Don't tell me you yelled at her" he said glaring at me.

" It was an accident" I said in between sobs.

" How dare you yell at Blake? What the hell did she do to you that'll make you yell at her?" He spat out.

" Look, I don't care whatever is happening to you right now, but whatever it is, how is Blake involved and why did you yell at her" 

Okay that kinda hurt me but I knew I couldn't be mad at him because he's just saying these out of anger.

" Harry... That's enough" Zayn said trying to calm Harry down.

" Don't tell me to calm down, Arielle needs to get my point cause I see no reason why she should yell at my daughter"

" Harry please" Imogen held his hand causing him to look at her and calm down a bit.

" Uhmm... Guys... Where's blake?" Liam asked . Looking around, I saw that Blake was not in the room.

" Blake?" Harry said already panicking.

" Blake?" Niall called out.

" Omg Blake" Imogen panicked.

Then Harry turned to look at me.

" This is all your fault" he said then ran out of the room. I got out of bed still crying then left the room with the others and we all began to search for Blake.

We all divided ourselves in twos as we all set out to look for Blake.
Harry and imogen;
Liam and Zayn,
Niall and his food,

And Louis and I, which was kinda awkward.

Louis and I walked down the hallway in the hope of seeing Blake but... No.

" I'm sorry" Louis said stopping me in my tracks and looking at him.

" I know I'm the reason why you're hurt and why this is happening, but I'm sorry Arielle. Believe me, I had no intention to yell at you earlier, I just didn't know what came over me at that time and I'm deeply sorry for what I did. If you're mad at me, i understand but all I just need now is your forgiveness" he said with a hurt look in his eyes.

" It's okay, Louis, I understand."

" So do you forgive me?" He asked and I nodded.

" Yes, I forgive you" I said then we both shared a hug before smiling at each other .

" Let's go back to the others" Louis said then we both ran downstairs to meet the others.

" Any progress?" Harry asked and each of us just said no

" Uhmm... I know this might sound stupid or lame but I think we should check the park" I suggested then Harry's face lit up.

" That's right.... Everyone to the park" he said then we all ran out of the house and into the car. Harry took the wheel while the rest of us were mere passengers.


We got to the park and saw no one there, I prayed silently hoping Blakely will be here at least.

As we walked around the park, We heard quiet sobs at a familiar place.

" I think it's coming from there" Niall pointed out to a familiar tree.

" Let's go check it out" imogen said then we all went over to the tree, then saw Blake crying right under its leaves.

" Blake?" Harry hugged her quickly then turned her face to face his.

" Are you okay, baby?" Harry asked then she nodded

" But why did you run off like that? Harry asked.

" I'm sorry for doing that, I was just terrified from all the yelling cause it kinda reminded me of my old parents" she said sweetly which made me think of why I hurt her.

" It's okay, and I'm sorry" Harry said.

. I crouched down to her level then sighed.

" Blake darling... I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I was very angry at that time but I'm okay now, I know I hurt you so much and I'm deeply sorry, please ... Forgive me?" I pleased then she hugged me.

" I forgive you" she said then I hugged her dearly careful not to cry again.

Then we pulled away and smiled at each other.

" Wanna know what will make you guys feel more better" Niall said and everyone looked at him

" What?" Harry asked.

" A drive to Nandos" he said and everyone laughed.

" Alright then, everyone to the car" Harry said, then I carried Blake and we all walked to the car.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now