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A/n: Okay, I know this is my third time updating, but you should know that I'm really excited. Enjoy the chapter by the way.



" Are you sure about this, Ari?" Imogen asked me as we walked around the store. Just to let you know, imogen and I went to the nearby store to get some stuff that we need to use for the surprise.

" Yes, I am Imogen stop worrying, I know he's going to be so happy besides how would my brother be sad when you're having his own baby" I asked and she sighed.

" Alright, sorry if I sounded so anxious" she apologized

" It's okay... Now all we have to do is to get this ... And this ... And this..." I kept on putting in some surprising items into the shopping basket.

Then we walked over to the cashier and cashed out what we bought. Afterwards, we left the store and went back home and found everyone sitting in the living room probably watching a movie.

" Remember what I said?" I whispered to her and she nodded.

" Hey guys" I said out and everyone looked at us.

" Where have you two been?" Harry asked.

" Out... Why?" I asked.

" You know quite well that imogen isn't feeling so good" he crossed his arms.

" It's fine babe, we actually went to get some stuffs at the nearby store"

" But babe, you're supposed to be in bed" Harry held her face.

" It's okay, I'm fine, thanks for caring babe" . Then Harry pecked her on the cheek.

" Uhmm... Babe, can you please help me in unpacking all these bags on the table" imogen handed the bags over to him then looked at me.

" Why not upstairs?" Harry asked.

" I guess,I'm too lazy to unpack upstairs so why not do it in the living room?" She said sitting down.

" What did you get aunt imogen?" Blake asked.

" Just some stuffs that I need" imogen answered.

" Oh okay" Blake nodded, then Harry sat down on the couch next to Imogen, opened the bags and began to unpack the bags.

" Uhmm... Babe?" Harry said to imogen.

" Mmm?" She replied nonchalantly.

" All that is here are just baby stuffs" Zayn said.

" Geez" Liam added.

" Baby stuffs?" Imogen acted surprise.

" Did you get your bags mixed up or what?" Niall asked.

" Of course not, I know this was actually my bag" Imogen said back and the boys looked at each other.

" Baby onesies, baby shoes, baby bips... Wow" Harry exclaimed then continued unpacking the baby stuffs until he brought out a decorated little note.

" A note?" He asked then opened it then read out the contents.

Roses are red
violets are blue
Inside me,
Beats two hearts for you.

Harry looked at imogen with confusion written all over his face.

" Babe.. I don't understand" Harry said.

" Harry... I know this is going to be little bit hard to say but ... I'm pregnant" imogen finally dropped the bombshell.

Harry's eyes went wide, his mouth wide open and the same went with everyone else.

" Are you serious?" He asked and she nodded slowly.

" I'm going to be a father?" Harry asked and she nodded again.

Then he stood up immediately then brought imogen up, giving her a really warm hug with a huge smile.

Then he stood up immediately then brought imogen up, giving her a really warm hug with a huge smile

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Then the rest of us clapped and celebrated. I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt, I looked down and saw Blake looking at me.

" Does that also mean, I'm going to be a big sister?" She asked.

" Of course" I nodded then she jumped up and down happily.

" I'm going to be a big sister" she yelled and everyone laughed.

Then she walked over to imogen and hugged her legs.

" You know what, I'm so happy that I'll be a big sister"

" Awww, darling" imogen crouched down to her level and hugged her.

" I want to say one thing... I love you so much Daddy and... Mommy"

Imogen expression showed that of utmost surprise and excitement.

" Did you just call me mom?" Imogen asked.

" Yup, since I'll be a big sister through you, you deserve to be my mommy" Blake gave her a cute smile and everyone went "awwwwww"

" That was sweet, darling" Harry kissed Blake's forhead.

" Thank you Daddy"

" This calls for celebration" Zayn announced happily and we all laughed.

" Yeah!!!" Everyone said.

And that was how we spent the whole day celebrating our asses off until we all got tired.


Sorry for the short chapter, I had to go somewhere, but don't worry another update will be up soon. Bye me loves.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now