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After a while, Louis finally pulled up at the driveway.

" We're home" he announced and I sighed.

" What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my worried attitude.

" What are we going to tell them if they ask where we've been?" I asked.

" You don't have to worry about that, I already took care of it" he said.

" You sure?" I asked and he nodded.

" Okay then, I guess we better go in" I said and the both of us came down from the car and walked to the door.

Louis rang the doorbell and approaching footsteps were heard. Then the door opened and Liam's head stuck out with a smile.

" Guys" he hugged us.

" Hey Liam" I smiled and he let us in.

" You guys had us worried" he said.

" Well we're back" Louis shrugged then the others came out to see us. Oh boy.

" Arielle" Harry rushed over to me and hugged me dearly.

" Hey big brother" I said, hugging him back.

" Baby" my mom hugged me.

" Mom!!!" I hugged her back then the rest of the family hugged Louis and I.

" Thank you so much for making us worried, you two" Niall sassed and Louis gasped.

" How dare you sass us?" Louis asked dramatically.

" I don't know" Niall shrugged.

" Aunt Arielle, Uncle Louis" a sweet voice called out from the stairs. I looked up and saw Blake running down the stairs to come meet us. Instantly, Louis picked her up and she giggled.

" I missed the two of you" she said with a smile.

" We missed you too, darling" Louis kissed her cheek.

" How was your date?" Gemma asked and Louis and I shared a quick glance then looked back at them.

" It was good, thanks" I said with a smile.

" That's amazing" Imogen said with a sickly smile.

After some series of discussion, I went up to my room and layed on my bed, with my body facing the ceiling.

My mind went back to the events that happened past midnight. I can't still believe that I was kidnapped and almost raped. With that, a tear rolled down my cheek but I was quick enough to dry it up as I heard a faint knock on my door.

" Come in" I said, sitting up quickly and the door opened and imogen stepped in and to my surprise, she looked so weak.

" Hey" she greeted then sat on my bed.

" Hey, Imogen... Are you okay?" I asked.

" Uhh... Yes?, Why?" She asked.

" You can't be okay, I mean you look so sick" . I put my hand to her neck and felt her temperature and immediately, I withdrew my hand.

" What?" She asked.

" You're burning up, I think you have a fever" I told her and she just sighed.

" You might've right, I've been suffering from headaches" she said laying on the bed.

" Aww, I think you need to rest.. but does Harry know about your health" I asked.

Before she could answer, my door opened and Harry came in.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now