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" Where are you guys, it's past 2am.... Oh... Okay... Alright, I'll tell them... Tell her I said hi... Alright.... Bye... Tomorrow then.... Bye" I said then hung up the phone and everyone looked at me with expectant eyes.

" So...." Harry started.

" First of all, thank goodness, Louis finally picked up the phone, he said that his phone had a slight connection problem." I said.

" So, what about Arielle and Louis?" Gemma asked.

" Oh and about that, Louis just told me that they are spending the night at a friend's house cause the car broke down that we don't have to worry, that they are fine" I told them then everyone sighed in utmost relief

" Thank the heavens, I was really worried about them" Anne commented with smile.

Everyone looked so relieved which made me so glad.

" Can't wait to see them in the morning" Imogen said with a huge smile.

" Alright, everyone goodnight" Liam said walking upstairs sleepily then within a few minutes, we all retired to our beds.



I heard a soft knock on the door which brought me out of my thoughts.

" Come in" I said, feeling a little bit weak.

The door opened and Mrs Dury stepped in with a little smile on her face.

" Hello there" she greeted sitting down on the bed.

" Hey, ma'am"

" I've told you to call me, Dalia " she chuckled and I smiled .

" I guess, I must have forgotten" I rubbed my arm nervously and she laughed a little.

" It's okay, we're humans so we tend to forget things alot." She said and I nodded.

" Uhmm... Dalia?" I said.

" Yes love?" She answered.

" Thank you" I said, honestly and she just gave me a smile.

" Thank you so much for saving me" I thanked her and she just put her hand on my cheek.

" No need to thank me dear" she said

" But youve done so much for me" I tried to protest.

" Alright... But you should also thank Louis , your boyfriend cause he really looked worried when I told him you were kidnapped " she told me and I nodded.

" By the way, where is he?" I asked.

" He's in the other room, he wanted to come tuck you to bed but I told him not to worry that I'll do it for him since it has been a long night" she said.

" Now I think, it's time for you to get some sleep" she said with a grin and I nodded.

Then she helped me with the covers and kissed my forhead gently. To be honest, I really felt at home, like I felt a piece of me has finally been found.

" Goodnight, dear" she said turning off the lights.

" Goodnight, Dalia" I responded then she left the room.


Next day

I just finished fixing up my hair in a low ponytail. Then I sighed and left the room. I went downstairs where I saw Louis and Dalia discussing at the table.

As I reached the last step, they turned their attention to me.

" Good morning" I said nervously, still not over coming the trauma I had.

Then Louis walked over to me and kissed my lips.

" Good morning babe, how are you doing" he asked and I simply nodded then sat at the table.

Then Dalia held my hand making me to look at her and she gave me a smile that simply said "everything will be okay".

" How was your night, dear?" She asked.

" It was good, thank you " I said.

" I just want you to know that it'll be fine, just forget about that idiot" she advised and I kind of laughed at the last part.

" That's more like it, smile baby" Louis pinched my cheeks gently and I smiled again.

" Now, I made some toast for breakfast, since I felt like you two were hungry" she said handing out two plates that contained the toasts.

" Thank you, Dalia" Louis smiled then we both digged into our food and to say the least, it was so good.

" You like it?" She asked and we both nodded.

" If I can be coming here all the time for your toast, I would" Louis laughed.

" You sound like Niall, babe" I laughed along and before you know it, the three of us were all in laughs.

" Well, I think the Niall effect should be rubbing off on me" he shrugged.

" You two are such a cute couple" Dalia commented and Louis and I gave each other glances.

" Well... Thank you" I said and she nodded.

" You're welcome dear"


" Thanks for the food" Louis and I said to Dalia and she nodded.

I packed up the dishes, put them in the sink and was about to wash them all until...

" You don't have to worry about that, dear" Dalia stopped me.

" No, I insist that I want to wash the dishes." I said without hesitation.

" But you just came to my house, I shouldn't allow do this" she said.

" No, it's totally fine, I can do it" I said, then began with the dishes. Hearing her sigh, she whispered a thank you.

Few moments later, it was already time for Louis and I to leave.

" I think it's time for us to go back from whence we came" Louis said and Dalia smiled.

" Oh okay, by the way I had your car fixed so it's on the driveway" Dalia said.

" Wow, thanks so much, Dalia" Louis thanked her and she smiled.

" You're welcome... By the way, it's kinda chilly outside, why don't you cover yourself up" she referred to me.

" Well, I don't really have a coat" I smiled nervously.

" Here, you can take mine" she took out a white coat from the coat hanger that stood near the door.

" Thank you so much, Dalia" I thanked her.

" Oh it's nothing, just being a good citizen" she smiled then gave the both of us hugs.

" I hope to see you again" she smiled. This woman was really the definition of beauty.

" Same here" Louis said then we both said our goodbyes and left.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now