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"We're here" Liam announced thereby cutting the conversation harry and I had short.

Then we all got out excitedly and Imogen and I ran over to the trunk to pick up our things.

" Don't worry ladies, we got that covered" Niall said then I pinched his cheeks gently.

" Thank you, little Irish princess" I joked and he laughed just like he does.

" Thanks Niall" imogen said then the boys helped us out with our luggage and I looked at the huge house in front of me.

" You guys live here?" Imogen asked.

" Yep this is where we live, Imogen" Louis said with a slight sassy tone making me chuckle.

" Seriously? The sass tone?" Imogen squinted.

" I'm glad you noticed" Louis gave her a huge smile.

" Let's go in guys" Zayn said going into the house (A/n: Zayn is in this story so yeah).

" After you" Harry said acting like a gentle man letting us (imogen and I ) in first before the rest of the boys followed up with us.

" Wow" was all imogen and I could say as we got in. The vintage decor beautified the whole place , even though I haven't seen the rest of the house.

" So we'll show you girls to your room" Harry said leading us up the marbled stairs. Okay I knew the boys were rich but not so freaking rich like this and this was wow.

Harry led us through a hallway that had many doors with the boys names written on them. After passing through some doors, Harry finally came to a stop at a door.

" So...." Imogen trailed off.

" This is your room Imogen" Harry said opening the door and this was what we saw

" This is your room Imogen" Harry said opening the door and this was what we saw

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" Woah" imogen admired the room as she went in.

" This is my room?" She asked and Harry nodded. " Sure is"

Then she twirled around then layed down on the bed.

" Oooh so soft, this is way better than my room back home" she said and I laughed.

" Well I guess you'll just have to enjoy your new room" I said.

" Sure I am" she said as a matter of fact.

" Your turn, Ari" Harry held my hand and we both walked to another door that was just two doors away from Imogen's room.

" Oh my God, open the door" I said as if I was in a sugar rush.

" Someone's eager to see her room, huh?" He joked cheekily.

" Just open the damn door Harmione" I said then he opened the door leading me to one of the most beautiful rooms ever

" Just open the damn door Harmione" I said then he opened the door leading me to one of the most beautiful rooms ever

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" To my favorite sibling" he did a fancy boy which made me laugh a bit.

" Wow, thank you so much Harry, I mean for everything" I hugged him.

" It's no biggie, I'm just trying to make up for how long we've been away from each other for a pretty long time" he explained.

" You're the best big brother ever"

" And you're the prettiest little sister ever" he said then kissed my forhead gently.

Then I heard rumbling in my stomach.

" Is your stomach making an earthquake?" He mocked.

" No it sounds like a tsunami" I sassed then held my stomach.

" Come on, let's go eat lunch" he said leading me out of the room and we both walked downstairs to the kitchen and there we met the boys sitting by the counter talking to imogen.

" Hey you two, I'm hungry" Niall said and I gave him a look.

" Wow niall, hi to you too" I sassed and Louis and Zayn snickered.

" Okay, Harry I like your sister" Louis said and Harry just gave him a dirty look.

" Hands and eyes off my sister, boys, she's mine" Harry said holding me overprotectively and I just laughed at his actions.

" Geez Harry, he meant he likes her sassy attitude" imogen said and Harry just shrugged.

" Whatever, but you boys have been warned, I'll be watching" he said giving them the stink eye and I just chuckled at his attitude.

Then I went over and sat down near Zayn.

" Hey" I said and he gave me a smile.

" Hey" he said back .

Then I took out my phone from my pocket and texted Gemma.


   We finally got to Los Angeles, tell Mom we're okay.

" So how was your journey?" He asked me and I looked up from my phone giving him my attention.

" Well it was okay and stressful and painful" I emphasized and he chuckled.

" How come?" He asked.

" My butt suffered from sitting down too long on a spot" I said almost sounding like a drama queen.

" I understand your pain, Ari, but thankfully you're back home"

" Home? I'm a guest Zayn" I said.

" Not in this house, this place has become your new home automatically so not a guest, Ri" he said and I smiled.

" Well okay, Zaynie" I joked and we both laughed.

" ZAYN!!!"

We both stopped laughing, looked up and saw Harry giving us weird looks.

" Oh come on mate, I'm not hitting on her" Zayn said raising his hands.

" I'll be watching" and again he gave him the stink eye.


I think I'll enjoy my stay here.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now