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A week later

3:21 am


My eyes fluttered open as I awoke to a surprisingly quiet house. Normally, I would hear a lot of bickering downstairs from the boys; Louis mostly.

I got out of bed, went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth cause I could taste my morning breath which was a bit eww-ish.

Then I came out, put my hair in a messy bun then left my room.

Walking through the hallway, I noticed that the house was still in it's quiet state. What in the world is happening here. Wait a minute, am I dead? Is this my ghost.

Oh shut up, Arielle, you're not dead you're being stupid.

Then I descended the stairs slowly and walked into the kitchen and saw that it was pitch dark. I ran my hands through the wall until I felt something like a switch. Bingo.

I switched on the light and then a figure appeared in front of me.

" Aaaaaaah " I screamed then covered my face.

" Arielle?" I heard a deep voice call out to me.

" Please don't kill me, I'm a good person" I said , my hands still on my face then I heard a soft chuckle.

" I'm not going to kill you, Ari"

Slowly, I removed my hands from my face and saw that the figure I saw was no other than...

" Louis?"

" Hi" he waved at me with a smile and I let out a confused look.

" What are you doing here all alone in a dark kitchen?" I asked sitting down beside him.

" Nothing, I just came down to have a drink but thankfully you're here to keep me company I guess" he chuckled again and I let out an audible sigh.

" What?" He asked.

" Nothing, I just thought you were a serial killer or robber" I truthfully let out and he laughed.

" What? It's not funny, I almost peed my pants"

" Then in that case, I'd refer you to a diaper" he joked and I gave him a look that read 'really'

" Ha-ha-ha real funny" I sassed.

" I know right?" He said still playing along and I rolled my blue eyes.

" So what made you come downstairs for a drink?" I asked.

" I don't know, I just felt like it and also it helps me think" he answered truthfully and I nodded my head.

" What about you?" He asked.

" I honestly don't know why I'm downstairs" I shrugged.

" Maybe we could share my drink?" He suggested.

" Is it alcohol" I asked in fright.

" Nope, non alcoholic wine" he said handing me the cup, I took it from him then sipped from the cup.

" Wow, it tastes great" I admitted and he smiled then I gave him back the cup and he took a sip from it.

" Anyways, I feel so bored, wanna do something?" I asked.

" I don't know, you?" He plainly asked and I shrugged.

" Maybe we could watch movies, I don't know" I said and he nodded a bit.

" That could work out, I guess" he said then we both went to the living room and then I began to scroll through random channels with the remote that  layed on the centre table.

" Maybe you should let me pick a movie?" Louis withheld me from going further and then took the remote from me. I knew I couldn't argue with him. We were both bored and needed something to keep us busy at least.

" Voila" Louis celebrated and I looked at the tv and saw that he had put it to a ...

" Horror movie?" I almost freaked out and he gave me his signature smile that made me feel like murdering him at the moment.

" Yep, horror movies are the best".

" Are you being serious now?" I asked.

" Yep and come sit, the movie is starting" he said and I sat down beside him but not too close.

" You'll love it" he smiled and I gave him a sassy one.

Then the intro sounded but not too loud cause we weren't in the mood to wake  the others up.

Then the movie started and what can I say it wasn't even that scary cause all I saw was a nice couple going on a hike.

Halfway through the movie, my teeth clattered as the face of a monster popped up in the movie. I felt my throat go dry and I could also feel the goosebumps that was scattered all over my body.

I looked over at Louis and saw how unbothered he looked.

Then another monster popped up and grabbed a lady and unknowingly I held on the Louis and whimpered.

" Hey, it's okay, love" I felt him rub my hair and I shook my head.

" It's s...scary" I managed to let out, my face buried in Louis'shirt.

Then he raised my chin up making me look at him and we found ourselves both staring at each other's eyes for a moment.

He began to lean in and I felt my heart beat countlessly and I gulped. Unfortunately, our little moment was disrupted by the sound of thunder which signified that it was about to rain.

" Uhhhh.... I have to g..go" I said running back upstairs to my room and closing the door behind me quickly.

What the hell almost happened now?!?

Thanks for reading guys, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday. School really got me good. And again I don't even know what I just wrote. I know it's a bit cringe but I hope it'll get better. Thanks again and don't forget to vote and comment

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