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" Let's get started" aunt Arielle put her hand on her hips as we got into the pratically empty room. Not that it was totally empty though cause it had a bed that needed to be covered up with sheets and to add it up, the room was totally boring.

" Okay, this room is just... Boring" Daddy said as if he knew what I was thinking.

" That's why we're here. To give it it's spectacular taste" aunt Arielle said dramatically which made me giggle a little.

" I can't wait to see how this place turns out when we're done with cleaning and decorating" I said and the both of them nodded their heads in agreement.

" It's not just this place alone though, we still have to clean the other rooms" aunt Arielle said.

" This is going to be so much fun .... And work" I said.

" Yep, let's get started, shall we?" Daddy said and immediately, we all got to work.



" So , let's do it this way, Zayn and niall, you guys take the living room, make sure it's well cleaned and vacuumed. Liam and Louis, you two take the bathrooms while I'll take the kitchen" I instructed.

" Why don't we take the kitchen?" Louis asked.

" Cause you'll destroy it... Duh!!!" I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

Putting my hands on my hips, I sighed. This might take a while.



" Okay, Blake darling, can you help me with that rug?" I said pointing to the new rug that layed down near the door that led to the closet.

" Okey dokey" she said then walked over to get then gave it to me.

" Thanks my happy helper" I pinched her cheeks gently and she giggled like never before. Cute.

At that time, Harry came out of the closet, vacuum cleaner in hand.

" I'm done with vacuuming" he breathed out.

" Okay, next is to clean the surfaces" I said handing out a clean cloth to him and he sighed.

" You're such a clean freak" he sighed then took the cloth out of my hand.

" I know right?" I beamed making him to roll his eyes playfully.

I placed the rug at the mirror stand and sighed.

" Time to make the bed... I think" I said .

I looked at the bare bed , walked into the closet and brought out some clean white sheets then got to work with it.


" Can you please hand over the screwdriver" I requested and Blake, being the cute and helpful girl she was, handed it over to me .

" Thanks darling" I said.

" No biggie" she smiled then sat on the bed, careful not to crease it.

" There" I exclaimed as I finished with screwing.

" Great job guys" I said to the duo making them to give me a huge smile.


Few hours later.

Everyone came over to the living room and layed on the chairs tiredly.

" So tired" Niall breathed out.

" Relatable" Louis said and I chuckled a bit.

We were all tired alright, I mean cleaning up a really huge house isn't something that sounds like a joke.

I looked around and noticed how amazing the place looked.

Harry, Blakely and I really did a good job in cleaning up , decorating and redecorating the rooms even though it wasn't so easy.

" I can't believe we've spent half of our day cleaning" Imogen sighed.

" At least, it's for the best" Harry commented.

" Yeah, what he said" I nodded.

" I need to refill up my energy" Niall said as he stood up from the couch.

" Where are you going to?" Zayn asked.

" The kitchen, my energy needs to be filled up with food" he said then went into the kitchen.

" Mess up the kitchen, and you're dead" imogen threatened causing everyone to laugh.

" So... Have they arrived yet?" I asked.

" In an hour time, they should be here ... I guess" Harry shrugged.

" I just can't wait to see them" I told him and he smiled.

" I wish you all would tell me who's coming" Blake said.

" Remember you said you'll be patient" Harry said.

" Well... That was in the past and presently I'm impatient" Blakely crossed her arms dramatically.

" It's a surprise, remember" Imogen said and Blake pouted and calmed down.

" Okay, why don't we all just you know... Watch a movie or something" Liam suggested and everyone went "nah"

" Okay... Poopers, suit yourselves" Liam said turning on the tv to some random channel that I paid no attention to.

I laid my head down on Louis' shoulder.

" How are you feeling?" He asked.

" I'm pretty much exhausted, but I'm okay" I said and he held up my hand and kissed it.

" You need to nap" he said and I shrugged.

" I guess you're right, cause all I want right now is to rest my head and relax" I stated.

" Well come on, you're having a nap now" he stood up then scooped me up from the chair, carrying me in bridal style.

" You two are so cute" Blake said.

" Thanks love" Louis winked at her then walked upstairs with me still in his arms.

He carried me all the way up to my room and layed me on my bed.

" Uh.. babe?" I said.

" Yes, baby?" He answered.

" Do you mind napping with me?" I asked quietly.

" You sure?" He asked and I nodded.

Then he got in bed with me, pulled me close to his chest where I could enjoy his heartbeat.

" Thank you" i said before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.


Hey loves, thanks for reading. I can't believe I just finished this chapter by 1:15 am. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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