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" Don't worry mom, I'm fine, Imogen and I got to Los Angeles safely" I spoke through the phone.

" That's good news darling, well about Harry and the boys" she asked.

" They're good but you know they still haven't changed a bit" I said and I could hear her laugh at the other end.

" They're boys, sweetie"

" Yeah, what of Gemma?" I asked.

" She's okay, just busy with work and stuff but all the same she says that she misses you and Harry "

" Tell her I miss her too and her annoying self" I giggled and my mom laughed heartily.

" Okay Mom I have to go now, it's getting late"

" Okay tell Imogen and the boys that I love them and also I love you" she said.

" Love you too Mom"

" Goodnight, sweet dreams"

" Goodnight"

Then the call ended and I laughed a bit. I already miss my mom and Gemma but hopefully I'll get to talk to them all the time.

Then I heard a soft knock on my door.

" Come in"

Then the door opened and Harry got in.

" Hey" I smiled and he smiled then sat on my bed, rather than layed on it.

" Hey love" he said back.

" So... What's up, Harmione" I mocked and he laughed.

" I'm here to tuck you to bed" he plainly said and my mouth dropped.

" Harry, for Christ's sake I'm not a baby" I shot gently.

" You still seem like a baby to me" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

" I'm 17 FYI"

" And I'm 19, FYI" he imitated me and I just took a pillow and hit his face.

" What was that for?"

" That was for calling me a baby, when you know I'm not"

" Geez fine, Ariana" he said and I just shook my head. I can be a dramatic doll sometimes all thanks to my brother and sister who are both dramatic. So you can't blame me if I am.

" Whatever"

" So I heard you talking on the phone with someone, tell me who is it?"

" Wow, overprotective much"

" Just tell me"

" Fine, I was talking to Mom, happy?" I sassed and he nodded.

" Relieved" he said.

" You know I miss the times we used to share together" he said again and I looked at him.

" Yeah me too, but the thing is you've been away from us, Harry ,and well things haven't been so fun like it used to be when you were around"

" I understand, but work and management..." then I interrupted.

" It's okay, Haz I understand, Management's been stressing you guys out" I said.

" But hey I promise you, I'm going to make up for the times lost" he held my face and I smiled.

" Thank you hazza" I said and he kissed my forhead.

" Goodnight love"

" Goodnight" I said then he stood up from my bed and left my room. I sighed deeply, kept my phone on my nightstand then layed down, face up to the ceiling.

And later on, I drifted off to sleep.

Next day

I felt something hot hit my eyelids. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw that it was the sun rays that passed through my window.

Then I got out of bed, did a small yawn and stretched out my body which made me feel a bit tall even though I knew I was pretty short but not so short.

I went into the bathroom, did my morning ritual then got dressed in a pretty pinkish floral dress and pink flats which made me look a bit aesthetic.

Then I brushed my hair out and put it in beach waves. Then I smiled.

" Looking good" I said then took my phone. As I opened my door, I bumped into a huge figure .

" Ow" I rubbed my forhead in pain.

" I'm so sorry love"

I looked up at the person who had said that then I saw that it was Louis.

" Louis?"

" Good morning Ari"

" I wish I could say that to my forhead" I sassed and he chuckled.

" Sorry for bumping into you" he apologized.

" It's okay, I'm fine now, so what are you doing at my door"

" I was about to wake you up, but seeing you already has reduced the stress"

" Wow, thanks " I said and he gave me a sarcastic smile.

" Anyways let's go downstairs before Harry think I'm flirting with his sister and then kill me" . I laughed at his statement then nodded.

" Yeah, he can be a bit overprotective"

" Yeah, let's go" he said. I was about to leave my room fully, when I tripped on something and was about to fall but luckily me, Louis caught me and then we were trapped in each other's eyes for a moment.

" S..sorry" he said as he helped me to my feet.

" Yeah....yeah, thanks"

" Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. " I'm fine".

Then the awkward silence kicked in.

" We should go downstairs" Louis broke the silence.

" Yeah" I nervously nodded then we both went downstairs to meet the others.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now