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" So now you're telling me till ONE MONTH?!?" Imogen freaked out dramatically.

" Yep, that's what he said" I said nodding my head.

" But... Why?" She asked.

" I guess... Work but seriously I miss my brother. Him being in a band makes me miss him more than ever" I sighed and Imogen just let out a deep breath.

" I miss him too you know, I mean I can't wait to see his freaking handsome..."

" Geez Imogen, easy with the crush thingy. I get you have a crush on my brother but please... Calm down" I laughed a bit and she just rolled her eyes. Imogen has always been in love with my brother ever since he joined the one direction band.

I can vividly remember how she was all over him in a house party we hosted to welcome him and his friends. And to tell you, it was hilarious because Harry kept on trying to run away from her and ask me for help and all I did was mocked him.

" Way to kill the fun, Ari" she flopped on my bed and I laughed hysterically until I felt my stomach hurt.

" Ow" I held my stomach.

" Are you done laughing" she asked sarcastically.

" Mhmm" I mumbled.

" Good"

" Ari, you've got a package downstairs" I could hear my mom call me from downstairs then Imogen and I shared a confused eye contact.

" A package?" I asked cause I don't remember me expecting any package from anybody.

" Let's go downstairs" Imogen said then the both of us left my room and walked downstairs. Getting there, I saw my mom watching the news.

" Mom?" I called and without looking at me she pointed to the kitchen. As the curious human I was, I and imogen went into the kitchen and saw an envelope.

" So what's up?" She asked and I shrugged.

" Don't know but it sure does seem like it's for me, so why not check it out?" I said then picked up the envelope opened it and saw two plane tickets.

" Okay what?" Imogen gasped.

Then I saw a small note in the same envelope, taking out I saw that it was a letter from Harry.

" It's from Harry" imogen freaked out.

" I can see that" I sassed and she pouted. Such a big baby.

I then read the contents of the note.

Dear Ari

I know how much you've missed me and I'm sorry I've been a little distant from you and I also know how much you want to see me again but due to the nature of my work, that hasn't been so possible but today I've decided to make it possible.

Inside this envelope, you'll see two plane tickets to Los Angeles. Take it and board a flight to Los Angeles where the rest of the boys and I stay.

NOTE: After reading this letter call me via video call or you can text me .

I hope to see you soon.xx



" You've got to give him a call woman" imogen said and all I could do was look into thin air.

" Ari" she shook me and I came back to reality.

" I'm gonna be seeing Harry" I jumped up and down squealing.

" Where's my phone?" I asked hurriedly.

" In your pocket, where you left it" imogen sassed and I brought out my phone from my pocket, unlocked it and began to search for Harry's name in my contacts.

" Found it" I said pressing his contact info and then dialing it via video call.

Few seconds later, his face popped up on the screen with a big smile.

" Ari" he said through the phone.

" Harry" I shouted and he laughed.

" So I guess you must have seen my package"

" Mmhmm, thank you so much bro for this, but why didn't you tell me earlier when we texted?" I asked.

" I wanted it to be a surprise for you and I didn't want to ruin it " he smiled cheekily and I just shook my head.

" Hey harry" Imogen greeted with a simple wave.

" Imogen, hey" Harry greeted and imogen face turned into a tomato. Seriously?

" Hey haz , how come they're two tickets?" I asked as the thought of that hit me hard.

" I don't know but if you want to bring anyone with you, it's valid" he shrugged and Imogen's face lighted up.

" Oh okay, thanks again for the love" I said and he smiled.

" No need to thank me after all you're my little sister" he said and I awwed and he laughed.

" Alright I've got to go now" he said.

" Okay then, greet the boys for me"

" They'll hear , bye for now Ariana" he joked.

" It's Arielle and bye Harmione" I joked too but before he could say anything else, I ended the call then laughed.

" Okay that was amazing" imogen said and I nodded.

" I know right?"

" Yeah.... Ari?" She dragged.

" Yeah?" I asked.

" Can I ... Uhmm... Well..."

" Come with me?" I asked and she nodded like a little kid making me laugh at her childishness.

" Yeah"

Then she squealed loudly and gave me a tight bear hug.

" Can't ...breathe" I wheezed and she let go of me.

" Sorry and thank you" she said then I laughed.

" Whatever, I've got to go tell my mom about this" I said walking to the living room.

" Right behind ya" she marched and I laughed. This girl will be the death of me.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now