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|Some hours later |


" Alright mom... It's no problem... Yeah, okay... Talk to you later" imogen said as she hung up.

" Your mom misses you, huh?" I asked.

" She sure misses her 'baby'" she made air quotes with her fingers making me laugh a bit.

Then the door opened and the boys came in from wherever they went to.

" We're back" Zayn announced and we (Imogen and I) smiled at them.

" Welcome" imogen said and the boys took their seats.

My mind wandered afar as they all engaged themselves in a conversation I wasn't really interested in.

I felt a slight movement on the bed, I looked at Blakely almost immediately and noticed that she moved her hand a little bit.

" Blakely" I called out attracting the other's attention.

" What's wrong?" Harry said as he rushed over to where Blakely was.

" I don't know" I said.

" Blakely?" Liam called out.

Immediately, I held Blake's hand in the hope that's she'll make another movement. Fortunately, i felt a little squeeze which made me smile big.

" Someone should please get the doctor" imogen said quickly and Louis ran out to get the doctor.

Few minutes later, Louis ran in with the doctor who's stethoscope was hung around his neck.

" What's the problem?" He asked.

" She's moving" I plainly said and the doctor removed the stethoscope from his neck and checked on Blakely. After, he checked on the fluids and wires  that were connected to Blake's hand.

I still held on to Blake's hand, not wanting to let go and again I felt another squeeze.

" Another squeeze guys" I said loudly.

" Daddy..." Blake called out, her eyes still closed.

" Oh Lord.... I'm here baby" Harry said then held Blake's free hand.

" She's going to be awake any time from now" the doctor announced.

And with that, a glimpse of hope shone to me.

As if on cue, Blake opened her eyes slowly still holding on to us.

" She's waking up" Niall said.

" Am I in heaven?" Blake asked.

" BLAKE" we all cheered out loud.

" Daddy..." She said and Harry's face beamed up

" Yes baby" he said kissing her cheek.

Then she looked at me slowly.

" Why are you crying, aunt Arielle?" She asked. Wait... Was I crying, I touched my cheeks and felt the wetness, I was of course crying.

" It's nothing, sweetheart, I guess I'm just overwhelmed" I said drying my eyes and smiling at the same time.

" Welcome back, darling" Zayn said kissing Blake's hand.

Then niall, Liam and Louis all kissed her forehead, arm, cheeks etc, making her giggle lightly.

" Where am I ?" She asked.

" You're in the hospital, babe" Zayn told her and she had a confused look.

" Why?" She asked.

" It's a long story, sugar but it's okay now" Harry said.

" Thank goodness, you're okay" Imogen said.

" You're all confusing me, what happened to me? Why am I here and..." Blake wanted to continue but she was cut off by me.

" It's okay with the questions, we're all just glad that you're okay" I said and she nodded.

" I'm kinda hungry" she said.

" Don't worry, Niall and I will go get some food" zayn said , pulling Niall behind him and the duo left the room to go get some food for Blake.


Three days later

We were all glad that finally blake was okay but the doctor had inquired that she stay three days in the hospital so as she can be checked on.

Fortunately, there were no more complications and now she was ready to go home.

      Home (a/n: I feel so lazy now)

" I hate hospitals" Blake said as she crossed her arms grumpily making us to laugh.

" Relatable" Niall said.

" But at least, you're fine now" Harry said giving her a shortbread cookie.

" That's my happiness, daddy" she said.

" And our happiness, too" imogen said and Blake smiled at her.

Then there was silence until Blakely broke it.

" I've being thinking..." Blakely said holding her chin. Oh no, the mysterious Blake was back.

" About what?" Louis asked.

" I was wondering how everything will be if daddy marries aunt imogen" she said.

And with that, Harry choked on his cookie while imogen face flushed.

My mouth hung open until Louis closed it up for me.

" Why would you say that?" Harry blushed.

" I don't know, I just fell like saying it because you two have some sort of chemistry and connection" Blake said.

Wait... How old is this kid again, cause she's just so smart.

" But whatever... I'm going upstairs" she said grabbing the packet of cookies and walking upstairs.

" Hey, I wasn't finished" Niall said.

" Too bad" Blake's voice rang from upstairs making us to laugh.

Then I looked at the couple and saw how focused they were on each other which was awkward for me.

" I'm going for a walk" I simply said, breaking the silence.

" And I'm coming with you" Louis said and I nodded.

We both walked to the door, took out our coats cause it seemed a bit chilly outside.

" You ready?" Louis asked and I nodded.

" Let's go" he said and we both left the house to start our walking journey.


By the way guys , this is their house

By the way guys , this is their house

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I hope you like it . Thanks for reading.

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