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The limo came to a stop which meant that we were already in the venue.

" Are we there yet?" Blakely asked excitedly.

" I guess so" Harry pinched her cheeks , causing her to giggle like crazy.

" But you know before we go out, we'll have to blindfold you" Liam said.

" Blindfold me?" Blakely asked and everyone nodded.

" Like we said, it's a surprise" Gemma added.

" Fine, let's get this over with" Blake said then Niall blindfolded her.

" Wow, I'm temporary blind" she said and everyone laughed.

" Come on, I'll hold you" Harry said then everyone got out of the limo with Harry holding Blake.



I was being led by my dad which made me so nervous and excited at the same time cause I couldn't wait to see the surprise they had for me.

And for that reason, I had goosebumps all over my body. I wasn't a big fan of surprises but this has got me thinking of what they planned for me.

" Are you ready to see the surprise?" I heard aunt's Imogen's voice.

" Yes please" I said.

" Alright, we'll be removing the blindfold in 3...2...1."

I felt the blindfold being pulled out of my eyes allowing light to penetrate. I opened my eyes and behold I was in the most beautiful place ever.

 I opened my eyes and behold I was in the most beautiful place ever

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Blakely gasped at the wondrous sight before her and with that she turned to look at Harry with teary eyes.

" Oh baby" Harry crouched down to her level and then Blakely gave him a big hug. Silent sobs could be heard from her.

" Awww, she's overwhelmed" mom said then Harry hugged her back.

" Thank you Daddy" Blake said, her head buried in his shoulders.

" You're welcome, adorable" he kissed her temple which made her to smile.

" Let's get started" Louis announced then Blake turned around to look at her surprise guests.

" Daddy, who are these people?" She asked.

" We invited some kids from the orphanage and also a couple of our friends" Harry replied.

" Wow, they are so many people" she said nervously.

" There's no need to be nervous, love it's your day, so feel free" Zayn advised then she nodded and smiled.

As we all walked further, everyone stood up and sang the happy birthday song to Blake which made her to smile.

" Thank you so much, everyone" blake said. Well, that was a lot of confidence.

" Happy birthday sweetie" Lou said as she approached us with Lux.

" Lux!!!" Blake exclaimed.

" Blakely!!!"

Then the duo hugged dearly.

" It's so nice to see you again" Blake said.

" I could say the same thing" lux said.

" Aww" the rest of us echoed.

" Okay, let's get this party started" Niall said.

" Alright..." Harry said then walked over to the mic.

" Good day everyone, it's so nice to have you all here as we all celebrate a very special girl - Blakely" Harry said then gave Blakely a wink which made her to giggle.

" Words cannot describe how much she means to me, Blakely has always been a light in my life , with her sweet smile and attitude. Sometimes, I just thought she was sent directly from heaven to come over and be a light to me. And as we celebrate her birthday today, I just want to say that warmest wishes and prayers all go to you Blakely as you celebrate your 7th birthday today" Harry finshed speaking then everyone gave him a round of applause.

He stepped down from the podium then went over to Blakely who gave him a huge hug.

" That was so sweet, Harry" louis commented and Harry smiled.

" That was amazing babe" Imogen complimented which earned her a kiss on the cheek.



Moments later


".... And she wins" aunt Arielle exclaimed as she announced the winner of the musical chairs game which was a little girl from the orphanage.

After a while, we were given a break to hang out. Lux and I kept talking until some kids walked up to us.

" Hello" a girl greeted.

" Hello" I said with a smile.

" Happy birthday Blake" another kid said .

" Thank you so much guys" I said and they smiled.

" I'm Hannah" the girl who had said hello to me earlier said.

" It's nice to meet you Hannah" I said.

" I love your dress and tiara" she complimented and I smiled.

" Thank you so much, Hannah" i replied.

" You're a princess" she giggled . Then an idea came to my mind.

" You know, I don't want to feel like the only princess here, so here..." I said taking off my tiara and placing it on her head.

" Now, we have a second princess" I said and she smiled.

" You're so pretty, now, princess" Lux complimented and the three of us laughed.

And with that, we all got to know each other better as Hannah told us how much she wishes to have a family who could do the same for her, we also talked about the Disney princesses we all admired and I also found out that she was the same age as I.

And with that, I think I just made a new friend.

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