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I rang the doorbell to the large house and few seconds later, the door opened and the woman I wanted to see stepped out with a smile on her face.

" Arielle" she said, with a raised eyebrow. I guess she was surprised to see me.

" Hello, Dalia" I waved.

" Come on in, dear" she let me in and once again, I felt at home.

" Thank you" I said as she shut the door behind me.

" I'm really surprised to see you here, don't get me wrong tho, you're always welcome " she smiled.

" I actually came over to just check on how you were faring" I told her.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, I'm doing great by the way, what about you?" She asked.

" I'm fine, I'm just so tired at the moment"

" Why?"

" You know preparing for the baby shower...."

" Oh yeah, that really causes stress" she said.

" I know, but it's okay" I said.

" Anyways, what can I get for you?" She asked.

" Oh, you don't have to worry yourself out, I'm totally fine" I said.

" Are you sure" she squinted.

" Yup" I said, popping the "p"

" Okay" she replied.

" Uhmm... Do you mind if I check out your library, I've been kinda thinking if I want to borrow a book" I randomly said.

" Oh, you're free to do so, make yourself at home" she said and I smiled at her.

" Thank you" I said to her.

" You know the way to the library, right?" She asked.

" Yeah, I do, it's like one of my favorite place here" I shrugged and she chuckled.

" Go on ahead" she said, motioning with her hands.

I walked up the level of stairs until I reached the library. The door made a creak sound as I opened it and here I was in the giant sized library.

I walked over to the shelfs and ran my hands through the books, thinking of what book to pick out and read since reading actually helps me to cope with stress.

My eyes fell on a familiar book on the shelf, I picked it out, looked at the cover and saw the name "Wuthering Heights" written boldly on it.

Out of curiosity, I opened the book then just like the last time I visited here, a picture fell from the book. I bent over then picked it up, I looked at the picture and saw Dalia holding a baby with a loving expression.

This woman really loves babies so much.

I stared at the picture for quite a long time. Instantly, I began to have a weird feeling like I'm so connected to the picture. What is really happening to me? Each time, I'm with Dalia or I'm in her house, I always feel so connected, like I'm a part of everything. This is weirdness beyond measures.

Then my mind shifted to what Blake said few weeks ago, that I looked a lot like Dalia and come to think of it, it sounded a bit true. She had ocean blue eyes like me, she smiles just like me, we somehow have the same personalities...

No Ari, you're just over thinking this. Calm down, take a deep breath and you'll be fine.

" Everything okay, dear?" Dalia's voice brought me back to reality, making me jump a little out of fear and immediately I put the picture in my pocket unknowingly.

" Uhmm... Yeah... Yeah" I nodded. I had the instant urge to ask her about the baby in the picture, but my crazy brain, shifted the thought away from my mind.

" Why do you ask?" I asked her.

" Well, I couldn't help but notice, how freaked out you looked" she said.

" Oh well it's nothing really"

" Are you sure? Do you need a glass of milk? It'll help you calm down" she said.

" It's fine... really" I said to her and she nodded.

" Have you picked out a book yet?" She asked.

" Nah, I was just wondering which book I could pick, they're just so many books here"

" Well, don't blame me for being a constant reader" she chuckled.

" As for me, reading helps me to cope with stress" I said to her.

" Same with me, too" she nodded.

" I was also wondering if you'd love to watch a movie" she said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yup" she said.

" I'd love to, which movie?" I asked.

" I don't know, I have varieties of movies downstairs, maybe if you'd come with me, you can make your choice." She shrugged.

" Omg, that's so cool, not gonna lie"

" Well, what are we waiting for... Let's head over to the movie room" she said.

" Movie room?" I asked like a dummy.

" Yeah" she nodded.

" So you meant to say that you literally have a movie room in your house?" I asked.

" Yeah, any problem with that?" She asked.

" Not at all, I'm just really surprised that you really have a movie room cause normally for me, it's actually the cinema" I said.

" I know right, let's go" she grabbed my hand and we both walked out of the library to go see the movie room.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now