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It has been a few hours since Louis and Arielle and we were all getting worried to say least because it was already past midnight.

" Have you tried calling them again?" Anne asked worriedly.

" I'm trying, but louis isn't answering and Arielle's phone is switched off" Harry groaned.

" Oh no, what are we going to do now?" Imogen asked worriedly, pacing around.

" I'm sure we can figure something out, let's just keep trying" I managed to say even though the atmosphere was seriously tense.

" Yeah, let's keep trying" Zayn backed me up.

" Daddy?" Blakely called out.

" Yes darling?" Harry asked.

" Why do I feel so bad in my guts?" She asked touching her stomach lightly.

" Are you having a stomach ache?" Harry asked and she shook her head.

" No, I'm not, I just have a random bad feeling like something is wrong" she said making everyone to sigh.

" Come on, baby, it's past your bedtime" Gemma said.

" Okay, goodnight" she hugged Harry then went upstairs with Gemma .

" Don't worry, I'm sure we will be able to reach them" Imogen said.



I felt something hard behind me. I tried to open my eyes but my vision was a bit blurry, I blinked few times and my vision cleared up and then I found myself in some room that stunk so bad.

I tried to move my body only to find out that I was tied up on the ground. Are you kidding me?

My head pounded so bad as I struggled to be free from the ropes then the door opened and a strange man entered.

" Nice to see you again, princess" the man said in a raspy voice that sure made me terrified.

" Who are you?" I asked in a shaken voice.

" Do you really think I'm going to answer that question?" He chuckled.

" What am I doing here?" I asked.

" Well, I'm keeping you hostage " he shrugged. Okay this man is really stupid.

" You're the famous, Harry Styles younger sister right?" He asked with eagerness.

" Why are you asking?" I asked angrily.

" Because I've always seen you on social media and I've had a deep crush on you for a long time"

" So that's why you fucking kidnapped me?" I asked.

" I kidnapped you in the hope that I might get to be rich knowing fully well that your brother is a star" he said with a smug smile.

" Well, you're extremely stupid for doing that"

And with that, he gave me a stinging slap on my cheek.

" What the fuck" I spat on his face which caused him to growl.

" Feisty, are we?" He asked then I began to scream at the top of my lungs.


The man covered my mouth with his hand which resulted in muffled screams then he taped my mouth shut with some duct tape and angry tears spilled out from my eyes.

" Now that'll keep you from yelling" he said then left me alone in the cold room.



My mind wandered around endlessly as I kept on driving, not knowing where I was heading to. I prayed silently hoping I'd find a clue on where Arielle was.

All of a sudden, my car began to move slowly. I looked at the fuel tank and saw that it was already pointed at E (Empty). Oh no.

Then the car came to a stop. Great, just great. I tried to start the car but all trials kept futile.

Having no other choice, I came down from the car. I guess I'll have to look for Arielle with my feet.

As I walked further, a car drove by and stopped near me and in it was a middle aged woman and she was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

" Need a ride?" She asked.

" You don't have to worry, ma'am" I tried my best to seem polite.

" It's no trouble, come on in, I know where they are" she said.

" Who?" I asked.

" No time to explain, get in" she instructed then I ran over to the passenger side and got in.

" Buckle up" she instructed and in no time, I was already buckled up and with that she drove the car in full speed which kind of scared me.



I couldn't help myself but think of my family and friends. Tears left my eyes endlessly and it just seemed as if I was going to spend the rest of my life in this stinky room with a view weird man.

I looked around the room and noticed a small window that was high up the wall. Then a ray of hope hit me.

I have to find a way to get out of this place.

I looked around for my phone or purse but none was found. My eyes wandered around the room for a while until I noticed something shiny from across the room.

I managed to crawl over to the shiny object only to discover that it was a piece of a broken bottle . Bingo.

I took it up but unfortunately for me, the door swinged open and my crazy kidnapper came in, looking at me with surprise . I quickly hid the piece of the broken bottle in my pocket and looked back at him 

" I'm back, princess" he said with a wicked smirk then walked over to me and picked me up.

" What the hell" I tried to kick myself out of him but he held me tightly and dropped me on the little bed that stayed in the room.

" You're so much beautiful even in real life" he held my face but I spat on him which earned me another stinging slap.

" You know princess..."

" Stop calling me princess, I am not your fucking princess" I said with hatred in my voice.

" I can call you whatever I want and there's nothing you can do about it... Now, you've been a stubborn little one and those who are stubborn gets to be punished" he said , taking off his shirt.

" What the hell..." I tried to kick him, but he held me down trying to take my shirt off.

God, no.


Next chapter to be updated soon.

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