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" Hey guys" I greeted as I descended from the stairs and walked into the living room where my wonderful people were watching TV.

" Hey" they echoed simultaneously. I walked into the kitchen just to see Harry and Blake eating gummy bears. Awwww. Father and daughter bonding moment.

" Aunt Arielle" Blake said as she spotted me. Harry then turned to look at me then gave off a cute smile.

" Hey, Ari" he greeted.

" Hey" I said as I walked over to them then took some gummies then ate it.

" Uhmm... I was thinking.... Maybe I could go over to the mall and get some few things for Blake here, cause you know she also need stuffs." I said.

" Mmmm... I think that's a great idea" Harry nodded which made me smile a bit.

" What do you think baby" he asked Blake and she smiled.

" It's a good idea, daddy, thank you so much aunt Arielle" she said hugging me. This girl was just too cute for me.

" You're welcome baby" I said kissing her forhead.

" Hey guys"

I looked back and saw Louis walking into the kitchen with some carrots.

" What's up Louis" Harry asked.

" Uhmm... I was wondering if I could take the car for a drive around the block" Louis said. Okay who's the oldest here cause I'm freaking confused.

" Well, I was about to take the car to the mall" I said.

" The mall? Why?" He asked.

" I have to get some few things for Blake " I said.

" Oh" was all he could say.

" Maybe Louis can drive you to the mall, since you both need the car" Harry suggested making me look at him in surprise.

Is this my brother or something? Cause I know my brother, he's never trusted me with a guy. So why now?

" So what do you say?" Harry asked.

" It's okay, I guess" Louis shrugged then Harry looked at me waiting for an answer.

" It's okay" I plainly said then he tossed the car keys to Louis.

" Here, but no funny business" he warned which made me chuckle a bit.

" I'm serious"

" Whatever mate" Louis sassed.

" So while you guys are out getting things, Blake and I will have a walk around the block for a while" Harry said turning his attention to Blake.

" Okay then see you later" I waved then Louis and I left the kitchen. We both took wore our coats. Then we were off to go.


" Let's get ready for our walk" I said causing Blakely to giggle cutely.

" Yay... Walk" she raised her hands up then I carried her. Before we could leave the kitchen, Liam came in and Blake buried her face into my shirt in fear.

" Hey baby, what's wrong" I asked which made her wriggle.

" What's up with her?" Liam asked with concern.

" I don't know"

" He'll hurt me with a pillow" she whispered but it was still loud enough for Liam and I to hear.

" No angel, I won't hurt you, believe me, I won't" Liam said trying to touch Blake's arm but she flinched.

" Hey adorable, listen to me, Uncle Liam won't hurt , he's a good person who wouldn't even think of doing such a thing" I said making her raise her head and now her face was visible to see.

" Sure?" She asked then looked at Liam.

" Sure... Now you don't have to be shy around him" I concluded and she sighed.

" Okay" was all she said and Liam smiled.

" That's more like it" Liam said then looked at the both of us closely.

" Going somewhere?" Liam asked.

" Yep, we're going for a walk around the block" I answered truthfully making him to nod.

" Okay you two have fun" he said then I carried blake to the door and wore a coat around her then wore mine.

Then we both went out into the chilly atmosphere.


I sighed for the thousandth time then looked out the window where I saw many cars waiting in line. We have been stuck in traffic for a while now and it's really eating up my insides.

I glanced at Louis and saw how focused he was on the road.

Should I ask him of what he was about to tell me last night?

I kicked against the idea then focused back on the window. Sitting beside him in silence has really taken its effect on me. It had been an awkward ride. None of us saying a word to each other. And to be honest, it somewhat felt like we broke up but no , we're not even in a relationship.

What's wrong with me? Do I like him? Do I have feelings for him? I sighed again.

" Everything okay?"

I looked and saw Louis looking at me.

" Huh?" I dumbly asked.

" I said is everything okay cause you've been sighing" he said. Oh he noticed.

" Uh......yeah sure.... Everything is fine" I stuttered.

" Okay" he said then turned his attention back on the road.

This is so awkward, to be really honest. Wonder how Blake and Harry are doing right now.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now