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We took a drive to one of the best restaurants in Colombia; Mini mal.

As we all came in, a waitress showed us where to sit and we all sat across each other and as for me, it was somewhat awkward because I sat in the middle of Micheal and Louis.

" Hello, you're welcome to Mini mal, may I take your order?" A waiter said as he came to our table.

We all picked up the menus that layed down on the table.

" Okay, I'd take the tumaco" Liam said then looked at the rest of us.

" What would you guys like?" He asked.

" I'd have what you're having, since I've got no idea what to choose" Harry said and I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

" Yeah me too" imogen said.

" What about you sweetie?" Harry asked Blake and she put her hand to her chin.

" I don't know" she shrugged.

" She'll have the tumaco too" Harry concluded.

" You can give me the Palmira rolls" Micheal said and the rest of us agreed to have the tumaco or the Palmira rolls since it's not everyday someone goes to Colombia.

" Alright, I'll be back with your orders" the waiter said then left our table.

" So... We're all clueless people" Blakely said and we all laughed.

" Not all of us" Micheal said and Blakely gave him a look.

" Yeah right" she said.

" Okay, Louis what have you done to Blakely, she's become so sassy" Harry said and Louis laughed.

" Well... She learned from the best, which is me" he said and she gasped dramatically.

" But I'm the best, I'm the sass master of Doncaster" Blakely told Louis

" Wha..., But.... I'm the...." Louis stuttered.

" Hey man, you know in life you've gonna lose some titles" Calum put his hand on Louis shoulder and we laughed.

As we kept on talking, the waiter returned with our orders, we thanked him then began to eat our food.

After a while, we paid for our food then left the restaurant.

" Okay, that was a good dinner" Niall rubbed his stomach.

" Yeah, they sure serve good food" I added.

" And, I guess it's time for us to go back to our hotels" Luke said and we nodded.

" It was nice meeting you" Michael said to me and I smiled.

" Thank you, it was nice meeting you too" I said.

Before I knew it, he engulfed me in a surprising hug and for a weird reason, I felt the need to squeal.

" Micheal!!!" Harry's voice sounded and Micheal laughed.

" So, I'll see you later in life" he said and I chuckled softly.

" Same" I said then the 5Sos boys left as we all said our goodbyes.

Then we all went into our cars. Harry, imogen, Blakely, Liam and Niall in one; and Louis , Liam, Zayn and I in another one.

" Hey" I said trying to get Louis attention but he just seemed to ignore me which was strange.

" Louis" I said holding his arm but he removed my hand.

" Just let me be, Arielle" he said and I felt my heart break.

" Why? What's wrong" I asked.

" Let me be" he said then turned his attention to the window and we didn't say another word to each other until we reached the hotel.

We all came down from the car and went into the hotel, took the elevator and went into our rooms.

" Hey, you okay?" Imogen asked me.

" Yeah, I guess" I shrugged then layed on the bed.

" Nope, bad liar, tell me what's wrong" she said, sitting beside me and I couldn't help but sigh.

" It's Louis" I simply said.

" What's up with him?"

" He's ignoring me for literally no reason" I told her.

" Oh... Well this night, I noticed how tensed up he looked each time , Micheal does something flirty with you" she said and I looked at her quickly.

" You think he's jealous?" I asked.

" Yep" she simply said.

" But why?" I asked.

" Maybe because Louis likes you, it's self explanatory girl" she said.

Louis likes me?

" Nah, I don't think so, maybe he was tensed up for a different reason" I said and imogen sighed.

" I advise that you don't doubt me, cause soon you'll know whether he likes you or not" she said then began to change into her PJs.

I thought for a second then shook my head.

Louis was tensed up for a different reason

I sighed then changed into my PJs.

" Goodnight" imogen said as she layed down.

I took out my phone, unlocked it and saw that I had a text from Gemma.


Hey little flower, how are you doing over there, how's Harry and the boys?


They're all good, what about mom and you.


Mom misses you a lot.


What about you


Who wouldn't miss you, I miss the times when I trouble you.


Whatever, I miss you two too... But I guess it's time to sleep, we have a long flight ahead of us tomorrow.


Where are you guys heading to tomorrow?


Back to LA


I wish you guys a safe flight.




Okay I have to go, goodnight little sister.


Goodnight, tell Mom I love her.


Will do, bye.



Then I kept my phone on the nightstand and went to sleep.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now