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" Aren't you gonna talk about how chilly the weather is?" Louis asked.

" Nope, cause it's the season of Autumn so, it's obvious" I shrugged and he gave me an unbelievable look.

" What?" I asked.

" Nothing, just wondering why you love taking walks" he said and I smiled.

" Well, you could say walks do help me relax or calm down, in other words , it's my kinda thing" I said and he nodded in understanding.

" Okay"

" But why did you come along?" I asked and he sighed.

" I just felt like it" he simply said and I nodded.

" So where are we going?" Louis asked.

" Uhmm.... I was thinking we could walk around the park" I shrugged and he nodded as if he had no other option.

And with that, both of us walked to park.

A smile crept on my face as I sighted little kids running and playing around the park with so much joy.

" Care to tell me why you're smiling?" Louis voice brought me back to reality.

" Oh... Well.... I just love the way kids play and run around" I said and he smiled.

" Yeah, they're just so cute...and annoying"

" Louis!!!" I exclaimed and gave him a playful punch on his arm.

" Ow, man, you've got to understand that I was literally kidding with the annoying part" he whined.

" Oh well" I shrugged.


" Ari?" Louis called.

" Mm?"

" Can I ask you something?" He asked looking straight at me.

" Sure, what's up?" I asked.

" Well, it's about the girl I like so much" he said.


" What about her?" I managed to choke out.

" I still don't know how to tell her how I feel?" He said.

" Seriously?" I asked.

" Yep, I really need your help with it, I'm a big bummer when it comes to girls" he said and I could feel the honesty.

" Well... Maybe you should, you know... Call her... Just let out your feelings through the phone" I said, holding back the tears that I felt was about to fall.

The perks of being so soft and sensitive.

" Mmm, I think that's a great idea, let me give it a try" he said bringing out his phone from his back pocket.

But before he could unlock it, some teenage girls ran over to us, squealing so loud making my ears tingle.

Oh boy.

" Omg, Louis Tomlinson" I heard one say.

" Hello girls" Louis said, rather awkwardly.

" We love you so much, Louis" another said.

" Love you too" he said.

" Omg, please can we get a picture and your autograph?" One of the girls asked and Louis nodded.

And with that, they all hurdled up, with one of them pushing me aside roughly and took a selfie with Louis. My heart shook as one of them kissed Louis on the cheek.


" Bye " Louis waved to the girls then sighed.

" I guess you forgot to go on disguise" I said he nodded.

" Yep... Now let's go call that girl" he said, unlocking his phone and doing whatever he did.

" I hope she answers" Louis said, still holding his phone.

I felt a vibration in my pocket took out my phone and saw that I had a call from...

" Louis?" I said.

" Yeah?" He asked.

" You're calling me" I said, as a matter of fact.

" Am I?" He asked dumbly.

" Yes... Maybe it's a mistake" I said.

" And what if I say, it's not" he said and to be honest, I went into total confusion.

" I don't understand... Why are you calling me?" I asked.

" Because you're the girl, I've been talking about" he finally dropped the bombshell.

After saying that, my mouth went wide and my eyes seemed as if they were about to pop out.

" W...hat...?" I managed to say.

" Hm?" He said.

" You love me?" I asked.

" That's right... You see Ari, I've always had a crush on you for a pretty long time now"

" You have?" I asked and he nodded.

" I have always wanted to be with you, but I guess I've always been a chicken"

" I guess, you're not the only chicken here" I shrugged and his face gave off a confused expression.

" Huh?" He asked.

" I also love you too Louis... For a pretty long time too, I've always been afraid of telling you because I felt you might reject me or maybe you might not feel the same way" I said and with that, he put his hands on my face.

" Can I ask you a question?" He asked and I nodded.

" Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and the butterflies in my stomach danced around like babies.

" Really?" I asked and he nodded.

Then I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He seemed a little bit surprised but later gave in.

" Does that answer your question, my good sir?" I asked.

" Of course, m'lady" he winked then kissed my cheek.

" I love you" he said again.

" I love you too" I said back and with that, the both of us walked around until we both got a bit tired.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now