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" And that is why girls are way stronger than boys" I did a little bow then the girls gave me a round of applause.

" Thank you, thank you, thank you" I repeated as I had just finished saying a little speech on how girls are better and stronger than boys.

" That was really funny, aunt Arielle" Blake giggled.

" No kidding sista" imogen said then I smiled.

" Well up next in our list of activities to do... Is manicures" I said and the three of us squealed happily.

" We're getting our nails done, wohoo" Blake celebrated and imogen brought out the necessary supplies for our nails.

" Okay, who's going first?" Imogen asked.


After a while, we were done with our nails and let me say it was very cute. Imogen and Blakely got something cute while I made my nails to look edgy

 Imogen and Blakely got something cute while I made my nails to look edgy

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" I love my nail color" Blakely giggled cutely.

" Aww, yes sweetie, it's really cutie" imogen pinched her cheek gently causing her to giggle again. Okay so this girl is just too cute for me.

" I'm gonna show Daddy" she said.

" I'm sure daddy would love your nails" I nodded.

" Oh would you look at the time, we should probably be getting ready for bed" imogen said.

" Awwww..." Blake whined.

" What's wrong?" I asked.

" I just didn't want this girls fun night to end" she pouted.

" Aww, it's okay love, we can still have another girl's night anytime , okay?" Imogen said and she nodded.

" But seriously I can't believe it's almost midnight... Perks of having so much fun" I said.

" The cupcakes we ate earlier were so delicious" Blake rubbed her tummy .

" I know right?" I said and she nodded.

" Okay now girls, let's get into our PJs before we get ready for bed." Imogen said and we all stood up from the bed and changed into our onesies which kinda matched.

" I'm a unicorn" Blake ran around the room giggling and I couldn't help but smile at her cheekiness then I picked her up and placed her on the bed

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" I'm a unicorn" Blake ran around the room giggling and I couldn't help but smile at her cheekiness then I picked her up and placed her on the bed.

" Time to sleep, cutie" I said then laid down beside her, cause we were all spending the night in Blake's room.

I looked at imogen and noticed how she wore her fluffy slippers to go out of the room.

" Where are you heading to ,bestie?" I asked.

" I'm a bit thirsty, so I'm going downstairs to take some water, but don't worry, I'll be back in no time" she said then left the room.

I sighed and looked at Blakely who was already dozing off. What a cutie.


I walked downstairs slowly and carefully enough not to wake anyone because I assumed that the boys were asleep.

I went into the kitchen, took out a jug of water from the fridge, poured out some water in to a cup and drank to my satisfaction.

" Aaah" I exhaled as I drank the last contents of the cup.

" Imogen?"

I turned around immediately and saw Harry walking into the kitchen with a questioning look on his face.

" Harry?"

" Yeah?" He answered.

" Fuck, you scared me" I said holding my chest dramatically and I could hear him chuckle.

" Sorry about that" he apologized.

" Apology accepted" I said.

" Anyways what are you doing down here?" I asked.

" I just came to drink some water or maybe take a snack" he shrugged.

" You're being confusing right now" I said and he laughed.

" I know right? What about you?" He gave me a cheeky smile.

" I came here to drink water" I plainly said.

" Oh okay" he nodded. Then an awkward silence came in.

" Uhh... I love your onesie" he said looking at me up and down.

" Oh you mean this.... I mean... Thank you" .

Gosh, girl why do you have to be so awkward towards him.

" Youre not awkward, you're cute" he said and I swiftly looked at him.

" I said that out loud, didn't I?" I said and he nodded and I mentally facepalmed.

" I should he going to bed now, it's past midnight" I said.

" Oh okay then I won't deprive you of your sleep, go to sleep you sleepyhead" he joked and I laughed.

" Mmm" I mumbled but before I could run back up, Harry pulled me in for a comfy hug.

" You're so comfortable" he said burying his head in my shoulder.

" Uhmm.... Thanks... I guess?" I said unsure even though my face heated up like I was in a fire.

" Goodnight, cutie" he kissed my cheek and to say the least, I felt my insides explode with butterflies flying around in 'em.

" Goodnight Harry"

Then her let go of me and I ran back upstairs to meet the girls just to see two girls sleeping. Oh well.

I got into the covers with my face up as I stared into the ceiling. What's wrong with Harry tonight?

As the thought filled up my mind, my eyes began to lose it's strength and before you know it, it was fast asleep already.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now