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Few days later


" Hey beautiful" I greeted as I entered into my girlfriend's room and found her laying on the bed.

" Hey" she weakly replied then I came over and kissed her cheek.

" So, how are you doing?" I asked.

" I'm a bit nauseous, but I guess I'm okay" she shrugged.

" Awww, my baby is in so much pain" I held her cheek.

" All thanks to you" she rolled her eyes playfully which made me to chuckle at her cuteness.

" You're welcome" I winked at her.

" Cheeky pants" she joked and the both of us laughed.

" Anyways, I came to talk to you" I said to her and she gave me an attentive expression.

" Okay.. ?"

" Well.. it's mainly about Blake" I finally said.

" What about her?" She asked me.

" Well... I've been thinking lately about her education"

" Education?"

" Yeah, I really want Blakely to be given the best of education, she needs to go to school" I replied and she sighed.

" But..." Imogen said as she expected to say something that may require me to say the word "but"

" But, I really don't know if that'll be possible due to tour and stuff" I sighed and she put her hand on my shoulder.

" Well, I think you could at least get her a tutor that'll come over to our house and teach her what she needs to know" she suggested and I guess she was right.

" I guess you're right, I don't really know why I didn't think of that"

" It's okay, babe, as long as you're giving Blakely the best, I'll always support you" she said.

" Thanks baby" I hugged her dearly.

" But you know, we'll have to inform her" she said and I nodded.

" I'll do that, soon I guess" I shrugged.

" Now, get out, I need to rest" she joked.

" Sure, love you" I pecked her lips.

" Love you too, boo boo" she smiled and I played with her cheeks.

" You're so cute" I admired her.


I walked into my daughter's room and found her playing with my mom.

" Hello, females" I said and the both of them looked at me and laughed.

" Hello daddy"

" Hey baby" I kissed her cheek and she giggled.

" Mom" I kissed my mom's cheek.

" Hey son, what brings you to our abode?" My mom asked.

" I'm here to talk to Blake" I simply said.

" Oh, do you want me to leave or..."

" No, it's fine mom, you can stay, it's not confidential anyways" I said and she nodded.

" What's wrong, daddy?" Blake asked.

" Nothing's wrong, baby girl, daddy just needs to tell you something important" I said.

" Well... What is it?" She asked.

" Have you ever taught of being homeschooled?" I asked her.

" Homeschooled?" She gave off a confused expression.

" Yeah"

" Well no... Why?" She asked again.

" Well... I was wondering if I'd hire a tutor that'll come in everyday to teach you what is being taught at school" I said.

" But why can't I just go to school?" She asked.

" Because everyone is so busy" I just said.

" Oh okay"

" But, have you thought of who the tutor is going to be?" My mom asked.

" Not yet... But sooner enough Blake will have a good tutor." I said and she nodded.

" Okay daddy" Blakely agreed which made me smile.

" I feel so hungry" she rubbed her tummy in circles and I couldn't help but chuckle.

" I was thinking of going to the grocery store to get some groceries, wanna tag along?" I asked.

" Sure thing." She said happily , jumped out of bed and looked at me.

" First of, let's go check on mommy" I held her hand.


" Okay, pick this ... And this... And this" I instructed and Blakely kept picking some cereals lined up in the cereals section and putting it in the shopping basket.

" This is so fun daddy" she exclaimed and I laughed.

Then four teenage looking girls approached us with eager smiles on their faces.

" Oh my gosh" one of them exclaimed with so much joy. A fan.

" Hello girls" I greeted them.

" Omg, I can't believe you're here" another one said.

" Well I am" I said with a sassy expression but they were to excited to notice the sass.

" Can we have a pic?" One asked but before I could reply...

" Is she your daughter?" The last one asked.

" Why of course, she's my baby girl"

" Aww she's so cute" they exclaimed.

" Thank you!!!" Blakely said with a smile.

" What's your name?"

" Blakely, but you can also call me Blake."  She replied cheerfully and I couldn't help but smile.

" Awwww, can we take a pic with the both of you" they asked.

" Of course' I answered then we all took a selfie with one of the girls phones.

" Thank you very much' they thanked us.

" You're welcome, have a great day"

" We will" they replied then left.

" I like them, daddy" Blake said.

" Sure you do, now let's get going" I said then we cashed all we bought then left the store.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now