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"I'll need you to close your eyes"

" What?" I asked confusedly.

" You can trust me, just close your eyes" he pleaded then hesitantly I closed my eyes.

" What now?" I asked.

" Come on" he said taking my hand while my eyes were still closed. I felt him leading me to somewhere and I could feel my heart pounding, was he really kidnapping me.

" Just some few steps and we'll be there" his voice sounded.

" I better not fall"

" You won't... Now open" he said and I did as he said then immediately, my eyes went wide and my mouth hung open. What in the world was I seeing?



I was speechless, quiet and peaceful. I looked at Louis and saw him smiling at me.

" Where is this place" I asked as I did a little walk around the flowers.

" Where is this place" I asked as I did a little walk around the flowers

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" This is my ... Well thinking spot" he confessed.

" Thinking spot? I don't understand"

" Well..." He began then sat down on the grass then I followed his action.

" The thing is , sometimes when I feel like I need to be alone, I just come here to listen to nature and the feel the extraordinary comfort it gives" he gently replied.

" Oh... Okay, but to be honest, this place is ... Wow" I said glancing through the whole place.

" Thanks" he smiled big.

" But... Why is it far away from home" I asked.

" I don't know, but I just felt like it's more peaceful, you know ... Getting out from all the noise and hassles, having your own quiet time and so on" he replied and I nodded.

" But... Does any of the boys know about this place" I asked.

" Let me say, you're the only one" he said looking at me.

" I am?"

" Yeah"

" But why me?" I asked genuinely.

" Huh?" He asked.

" I mean, why did you bring me here and why am I the first person to know about your thinking spot?"

He hung his head low and sighed softly before looking up at me again.

" You seem special" he finally said and my eyes went wide.

I felt butterflies swim in my stomach as he said that and my face went totally red.

" You think I'm special?" I asked.

" I know you are" he smiled again.

" Well I could say the same about you" I said.

" Really?" He asked and I nodded.

Then I turned my attention to the beautiful nature scenery. This place just radiate so much comfort that eased me.

Then I turned to look at him and saw that he was also staring at the beautiful scenery.

" Louis?" I called out.

" Yeah?" He answered without looking at me.

" What were you about to tell me that night?" I asked and he looked at me swiftly.

" It doesn't matter, Arielle" he said.

" Why do you say that? Why did you run off?" I asked.

" You won't understand"

" Then make me understand" I said back.

" Just forget about it" he said but this time his voice rose up.

" I can't, just say what you intended to say that night" I said.

" I can't" he said again.

" Louis..."

" Just forget about it, Arielle, it doesn't matter at all" he said with a risen voice.

" Just tell me Louis , I'm curious" my voice rose up a little too.

" Then stop being curious cause I'm not going to say it no matter what, Just leave me alone, Arielle and let me think" he yelled.

I felt my face heat up but this time in pain. Warm tears filled up my eyes and I felt my heart break.

What was up with him?

I looked at Louis and saw how sorry he looked.

" Arielle..."

" Take me home, Louis" I said standing up and walking away.

" I'm so..."

" I won't say it again, Louis , take me home" I said running to the car and getting my ass inside it.

Shortly after, Louis joined me in the car, I could feel that he was looking at me but I just turned my attention to the window.

He started the ignition and then drove out of the place.

We pulled up in front of the house and immediately, I got out of the car taking the shopping bags with me and walking off not caring if Louis was following me.

I rang the doorbell and instantly the door opened and I was face to face with my brother who looked worried.

" Where have you been?" Harry asked but I put my face down not daring myself to look up for him to see my tear stained face.

" There was a huge traffic" I heard Louis voice behind me.

" Traffic?" Harry asked.

" Yes" Louis answered.

" That's okay, I was getting worried" Harry said then let us in.

Without saying a word to anyone, I ran up the stairs to my room where I layed down on the bed with me facing the ceiling and letting out all those tears.

My mind wandered back to what had happened earlier and then that was when I knew...

I like Louis.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now