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Harry POV

" Okay, these are the best" Blakely giggled as she took a bite from her cookie.

" I know right? This is one of my favorite bakeries around here" I said.

" They make good cookies" she commented

" That I shall say is true , m'lady" I did a little bow causing her to laugh.

As we continued joking around, my eyes diverted from her to one side of the bakery. Then I noticed some girls looking at the both of us in shock.

" Oh no" I muttered.

" What's wrong, daddy?" Blake asked then I stood up and carried her.

" What is it?" She asked worriedly.

" We have to leave now" I said already walking out of the bakery.

" Why?" She asked but before I could say a word, deafening screams were heard. Shit.

I buried Blake's head in my chest and then began to run away from the area causing some fangirls to follow us with screams.

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Imogen's number.

" Hello?" Her voice could be heard from the other line.

" Hey, Imogen, we need your help" I said still running.

" What's wrong?" Her worried voice sounded.

" Well some fangirls are kinda chasing us so I'll need you to come over to the park" I breathed out.

" Alright,I'm on my way"

" Please hurry up" I said then hung up. Quiet sobs reached my ears. Looking down I saw Blake sobbing quietly.

" Make it stop" she cried out.

" Don't worry baby, it'll soon be over" I assured her.


I stood up from my bed hurriedly then wore my trainers. I took out my purse then ran downstairs not caring if I would fall or not.

" Woah, woah woah, what's wrong?" Zayn said .

" It's Harry" I breathed out.

" What's wrong with Harry" Niall asked.

" Him and Blake kinda caught up with some fangirls" I dropped the news.

" Omg, where are they now" Liam asked.

" Harry said to meet them at the park" I said.

" Can we come with you" Niall asked.

" I don't think that'll be a good idea because you guys going with me will just make things worse for them and probably you guys,so I'll go alone" I said then ran out of the house.

I boarded a taxi then told the driver where to take me to.


" Just tell me where we are going to?" I impatiently said.

" Like I said, it's a surprise so you've got to be extra patient with me" he glanced at me then focused back on the road.

" Well, the patience is slowly killing me"

" You have to be patient" he said again and I huffed.

" We've been driving for a long time and I'm sure that we're out of town now"

" We sure are" he chuckled and my eyes went wide.

" We're out of town?" I asked and he simply shrugged at me.

I sank back into my seat and sighed. I looked out the window and saw different kinds of vegetation and now I was pretty sure we were out of town.

I laid my head on the headrest, closed my eyes and drifted off to a brief nap.

" Arielle?" I felt someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes then saw that it was Louis.

" Louis?"

" We're here" he said. I sat up and looked and saw that we were in a forest like area.

" Okay where are we and what are we doing here?" I asked.

" Just get down from the car" he said then got down and I followed suite.

" If you're thinking of kidnapping me, then you're messing with the wrong girl" I said and he laughed.

" How would you even think that, but if you want me to do so, I'll surely do it" he winked and I felt my face heat up.

" I'll need you to close your eyes"

" What?" I asked confusedly.

" You can trust me, just close your eyes" he pleaded then hesitantly I closed my eyes.

" What now?" I asked.

" Come on" he said taking my hand while my eyes were still closed. I felt him leading me to somewhere and I could feel my heart pounding, was he really kidnapping me.

" Just some few steps and we'll be there" his voice sounded.

" I better not fall"

" You won't... Now open" he said and I did as he said then immediately, my eyes went wide and my mouth hung open. What in the world was I seeing?

Cliffhanger here.

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