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Next day


I had just finished putting on my shoes when I heard a knock on my door.

" Come in" I said, loudly then the door opened and my wonderful boyfriend walked in.

" Hey, babe" he greeted then gave me a peck on my lips.

" Hey, you" I greeted back then he sat down beside me.

" You're looking pretty today" he complimented.

" Why, thank you" I blushed, even though he was my boyfriend, he still gave me that nervous feeling.

" Cutie" he pinched my cheeks.

" Oh, stop flattering me" I said, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

" I'm not." He laughed.

" Whatever" I said.

" Anyways, I wanna make a proposal" he said and my eyes went wide.

" What proposal?" I asked.

" I just wanted to ask if you'd love to go on a date with me"

" A date?" I asked.

" Yes, I wanna take out on an official date" he nodded.

" Wow.. okay where are we going"

" I won't say, but it's this evening though" he said.

" Okay"

" So...."

" I'd love to go out on a date with you" I said then pecked his lips.

" Thanks baby" he kissed me back.

" Let's go downstairs for breakfast" I said then the both of us walked out of my room and on the way, we met Harry and imogen coming out of Imogen's room and geez they looked like a mess.

" What in the world happened to you two?" Louis asked.

" Cause you two look like you went clubbing all night, but in a messy way" I chuckled, holding in my laughter.

" It's a long story" Harry said and my mind wandered a bit.

" Wait... Don't tell me you two..." I pointed to Harry then to imogen then back to Harry and my finger kept pointing to the both of them until Louis put my hand down.

" Okay, that's enough pointing, babe"

" So, you two did it?" I asked.

" Maybe, maybe not" Harry shrugged while imogen blushed like a tomato.

" Wow, you guys really went to the next level" Louis gave them a huge smile.

" What are we talking about here?" Niall came, holding a cup of coffee.

" Oh, it's nothing, just saying hi to each other" imogen replied.

" Oh okay, anyways just came up to tell you guys that breakfast is ready" he said.

" Wait... Who made breakfast?" Harry panickly asked.

" Your mom and Gemma" Niall said taking a sip out his coffee.

" Wooo, that's a relief" Harry breathed out with relief.

" Whatever, just come downstairs or I help you with your breakfast" Niall said then went back downstairs.

" Arielle , Louis you both should help out in taking care of our breakfast while we get cleaned up" Harry instructed.

" Why?" I asked stupidly, even if I already knew the reason why.

" Don't make say the reason" Harry glared at me.

" Geez, calm your balls down, let's go babe" I grabbed Louis hand and the both of us ran downstairs to meet up with the others at the table.


I had just finished washing off the dishes when Blakely entered into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

" Hey B, what's up" I asked drying off my hand.

" Aunt Arielle, can I please get a cookie?" She asked.

" Yeah, sure" I nodded then reached over to the cabinet and grabbed some cookies then gave it to her.

" Thank you" she giggled.

" You're welcome baby girl" I played with her hair a little then she skipped out of the kitchen joyfully.

" What a cute kid" I said to myself then kept the drying cloth .


I ran over to my mom's room then knocked on her door gently.

" Come in" her sweet voice rang out in the room and gently, I opened the door then found her on her laptop.

She was probably doing online Bible studies .

" Mom?" I called out then she looked at me.

" Yes dear?"

" I need some advice" I honestly said then she patted her bed, signifying to me that I should come sit with her in which I later did.

" So what's the matter?" She asked.

" Uh... So earlier this morning, Louis  asked me out on a date..."

" Wow, that's amazing" she smiled.

" I know... But the thing is, I have never gone on a date before and this is so new to me"

" So you're trying to say , you don't know how to do on a date?" She asked and I nodded slowly.

" You just made the right choice by coming to me" she said and I smiled.

" You see... First dates are usually very special when you're with the person you love so much which can also make someone feel nervous. But the thing is, when you're on your date, make sure to be yourself, you might feel nervous that's okay and totally normal, but just be yourself. Make sure you make lots of eye contact and don't forget to always smil, it'll make you look more attractive and all, but don't worry, I believe you'll do just great." She held my hand then I hugged her.

" Thank you so much for the advice mom, you're the best" I said then she kissed my cheeks.

" You're welcome darling, like I said , I believe you'll do just great and also fine so don't worry about it" she smiled.

" Alright then,I guess I have to get prepared for this evening" I said getting up.

" Will you need help doing that?" She asked.

" Probably" I nodded then she stood up.

" Then let's march to your room" she commanded.

" Yessir" I did a quick salute then the both of us laughed then left her room and walked to mine.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now