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We finally pulled up at the house and to say the least we were a bit tired from all the laughing and jokes we shared.

" Man, I'm exhausted" Perrie said as she got out of the car then thereafter imogen and I got out with the shopping bags.

" How do you think he's gonna react?" Imogen asked and I shrugged.

" I don't know but I think a little bit mad"

I rang the doorbell and before anything else the door opened revealing a very worried looking Harry.

" Heyyyy" I dragged and he put his hand up signifying me to stop and come in. Then the others followed me.

" You took more than an hour" he said with gritted teeth.

" I know and I'm sorry" I simply said almost rolling my eyes.

" Hey harry" Perrie said cheekily.

" Perrie?" Harry's expression turned into that of surprise.

" I know you're a bit mad but they were all with me" Perrie explained.

" Oh really?" He looked at me then his expression softened.

" Okay since that's the truth then you're forgiven" he said then I smiled then went back to meet the boys I guess.

" Thanks Ri" I said hugging her and she hugged me too.

" Hey it's nothing, just me helping out my two girls" she said and imogen and I smiled big.

" Let's go meet the boys" Imogen said and we all went in and saw the boys sitting in the living room and wait a minute... Do I see an already messy living room?!?

" What in pickles happened here?" I freaked out and they all but Harry looked at me with shocked eyes.

" It was all Louis" Niall pointed out and Louis glared at him.

" What? I wasn't the one throwing the pillows around because his favorite team scored goals" Niall said and Zayn just facepalmed while Liam just shrugged.

" I tried to warn him but to say the least, I tried my best" Liam said.

" Why do my own friends hate me?" Louis said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

" Enough!!!" Perrie put her hands up to silence them.

" Babe?" Zayn called out and Perrie put her finger to his mouth.

" I said enough" she said .

" Now what's going to happen is this... You guys are getting your asses up and cleaning these place. No complaints , no hesitation, now get to work" imogen commanded and the boys groaned.

" Well... Bye" Harry said about to leave the place.

" That includes you too dork" Perrie stopped him and he gave her a look.

" I wasn't part of this" he tried to defend himself but all fell on deaf ears.

" But you were here when this place turned into a mess, so indirectly you were part of it" Perrie stated authoritatively making me almost giggle.

" Thanks a lot , Louis" Harry said glaring at him and Louis just gave him a huge smile.

" So what are you girls going to do?" Niall asked.

" Enjoy what live has for us and watch you guys get to work" I said then flipped my hair dramatically.

" Go Queen" Perrie clapped and I did a famous royal curtsy.

" If you'd excuse us, we'll be out of here" imogen said and the three of us walked out and went into the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen, we all bursted into laughter and did high fives.

" Okay, we got them good" I said and they nodded.

" That's what they get for messing up the whole place...even though it was all Louis'fault" Perrie said.

" Yeah whatever " imogen laughed then we took out the ice cream we bought at the mall and began to enjoy it gladly.

Few moments later

I excused myself from the kitchen and went into the living room just to see 5 boys laid everywhere across the room and all I could was burst into laughter.

" What now?" Liam asked.

" Nothing, I just came to check on how you guys are doing, you know cleaning and stuff" I said

" Well you can see we've cleaned the whole place, Ariana" Harry said and I chuckled then looked around the place and to be honest they sure did a great job.

" That's amazing" I smiled sarcastically and they groaned.

" Anyways, I came here to ask if you guys would love to take pizza for dinner, cause right now I can see that Mr styles isn't so strong enough to handle the stove" I said and Niall stood up quickly.

" Pizza ?! Where? Tell me" he said shaking my arms violently.

" Calm down, it's in the kitchen" I pointed over to the kitchen then he pushed me aside and ran into the kitchen.

Then the rest of the boys stood up and walked to the kitchen tiredly as if we told them to clean the whole mansion. These boys can be so dramatic when it comes to chores and I'm going to change that.

" Aren't you coming, Ari" I could hear Harry's voice call out to me and I shouted back.

" I'm coming"

Then I joined them in the kitchen and ate dinner with them.


" Thanks for today guys, it was so nice spending time with you all today specifically my girls" Perrie said then imogen and I hugged her.

" You're welcome, P, we look forward to spending more time with you again" I said and she smiled.

" Bye babe" Zayn kissed her.

" Get a room you two" Niall snickered and we all laughed. Then we said our goodbyes and she then left the house.

I ran upstairs to my room, changed into my PJs and layed on my bed. Then I took my phone from the nightstand and began to read some random fanfics about my brother and his band until I fell asleep.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now