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~Next morning~


It was past 9am and everyone was already downstairs all prepared for breakfast... except Blakely.

I went upstairs to check on her. Opening the door to her room,I saw her sitted on her bed, playing with her dolls mindlessly.

" Blake" I said and she didn't even dare look at me.

I walked over to the seven year old and noticed how sad she looked.

" Blake" I said again and this time, she looked at me with a very gloomy face.

" Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

" It's nothing" she shook her head.

" You know you're lying, right?" I asked.

" No, I'm not" she replied.

" Yes you are, come on , look at you, you're all so gloomy on a very bright morning" I said and she just let out a deep sigh.

" It's daddy" she finally confessed.

" What did daddy do?" I asked.

" Last night, he refused to tuck me to bed." She said.

" Why?" I asked.

" I don't know, he just said he was busy " she shrugged.

" Aww, baby why didn't you come to me when he refused"

" I actually wanted him to tuck me, no offense" she said.

" None taken... But still, you should have come to meet me, cause you know I'll never be busy for you" I said.

" Thank you" she said.

" Now I want you to smile for me" I said but she still kept to her gloomy face.

" Since, you don't want to smile, then I think I'll have to do this instead" I said, tickling her sides which caused her to laugh out loud.

" Alright, alright, I'm happy now" she said and immediately, I stopped tickling her.

" Now my mission has been completed, let's go downstairs for breakfast" I took her by hand and we both walked downstairs where the others were.

" Hey" I greeted then entered into the kitchen, still holding Blake's hand. Unexpectedly, Harry was in the kitchen with Gemma and I won't be surprised if they were both gossiping.

" Hey, you guys" Gemma smiled at us .

Harry turned to look at us and immediately, Blake held on to my hand tightly.

" Hey baby" Harry smiled at Blake , but she refused to return the gesture.

" What's wrong with her?" Harry asked.

" You should be asking yourself, Sherlock" I rolled my eyes.

" What's wrong baby?" Harry asked Blakely, coming closer to her.

" It's you" Blake pointed out sadly.

" Me? What did I do?" He asked. Dummy.

" I guess you're so busy for me" Blake said.

" What?"

" You refused to tuck me in last night, claiming you were busy and now I've come to realize that you're so busy for me" she said, almost crying.

" No, that's not true, darling... Look I'm sorry for the way I acted, I know it was totally unlikely of me, but I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you last night... You think you can forgive me?" Harry asked, on his knees.

" I guess I can" Blake shrugged then Harry pulled her in for a hug. Aww.

" Are you still mad at me?" Harry asked.

" A little bit, but you're okay" she said and Gemma and I laughed.

" Ooh, what's going on?" Zayn's voice could be heard in the kitchen.

" Uncle Zayn!!!" Blakely ran over to him and hugged him.

" Hey, sweet cheeks" he said, kissing her cheek.

" I missed you" she said.

" Really?" Zayn asked.

" Yeah, grandma said you spent the night at Perrie's house... How is she by the way?" Blake asked.

" She's doing great, I just dropped her at the studio" Zayn said.

" Oh okay" Blake said, causing Zayn to chuckle at the little girl's cuteness.

" So do you guys have any plans today?" Gemma asked.

" Uhmm... I don't know..." I said, my voice trailing off.

" Actually, we still have to get things prepared for the baby shower" Harry said.

" Oooh, so there's a baby shower coming?" Zayn asked excitedly.

" Yup" Blake nodded.

" We still have to visit few stores..." Harry said.

" Can I come? Can I come?" Blake asked jumping up and down.

" I'm afraid not darling, you're having lessons today, remember?" Gemma said.

" Awww... And I really wanted to come along with you guys, but it's okay, I'll also spend enough time with miss Emma" she shrugged.

" Don't worry, babe, we'll get you something, okay?" Gemma said.

" I've got no problem with that idea" Blake smiled.

" That's sweet... Breakfast is ready, people" Gemma announced and Niall ran into the kitchen.

" Okay, where's breakfast?" He asked rubbing his hands together.

" Oh my Lord" Blake facepalmed dramatically.

" It's ready, now get yourselves on the dining table" Gemma instructed then the rest of the family came along and took their seats.

I can't wait to know what today has in store for us. I just hope today will turn out just fine.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now