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A/n: hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating, my phone had a itsy bitsy problem and it had to get repaired so I'm stuck with my aunt's laptop and I'm not even fast in using a laptop (lol). Please bear with me guys. Thanks for understanding.


A week later: Colombia

Today was the day of the concert and we were lucky enough to accompany the boys to Colombia for their concert. All thanks to Paul for his approval.

" To be honest, I feel somehow nervous" Harry said rubbing his palms together.

" It's okay babe, I'm sure you're gonna do just fine" imogen hugged him and Blakely ran to hug him and he picked her up.

" Daddy, I believe in you guys, you're gonna be a success" Blake said in reassurance making Harry smile and kiss her forhead then did the same to Imogen. Aww.

" Thanks blake" Louis said and we all shared a group hug.

" Okay boys, it's time" Paul came in and the boys took a deep breath.

" Go on boys" Lou said then the boys ran out to the stage. Within some seconds, deafening screams were heard from across the arena which made Blake give me a squeeze on my hand.

Awww. She was scared

" Hey it's okay" I said and she nodded.

Two hours later

The boys came backstage as the concert had already ended and to add it up, they were right sweating.

" You guys did great up there" imogen said and they smiled.

Harry was about to hug her but she moved back.

" Nope, not until you take a shower" imogen raised up a finger and Harry pouted.

" It's just one hug" he said and she shook her head.

" Go take a shower man" she said and the rest of the boys laughed.

" Sorry mate" Niall said.

" And that applies to y'all too" Blakely said and I laughed.

" Alright everyone to the shower now" I commanded and the boys walked to the bathroom to shower.

Few moments later, they all came out , changed and looking decent.

" Much better" imogen said then hugged Harry.

" Hey guys".

We all turned around and saw four familiar boys walk in.

Omg, 5SOS.

" Hey mates" niall went over to them and they shared a bro hug thingy then the rest of the boys greeted them.

" You guys did great out there" Luke said.

" Thanks " Liam said.

Then 5sos turned their attention to me, Blakely and imogen.

" And who are these three pretty damsels here" Ashton asked walking towards us.

" This is Arielle, my sister" Harry introduced me and I smiled, careful not to look awkward, cause I was standing in front of one of my favorite boy bands.

" H...hi, it's n..nice to meet you." . Great, I stuttered.

" This is Imogen, my girlfriend and this is Blakely, my daughter" Harry said.

" Hi" imogen waved.

" Hello boys" Blake said and the boys smiled.

" It's nice to meet you all" calum said.

" And to add it up, your sister is really pretty, Harry" Micheal said putting his arm accross my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile.

My eyes made contact with Louis' and I couldn't help but notice how tensed up he had become.

" Hey, she's off limits, get your paws off her" Harry said removing Micheal's arm causing everyone to laugh.

" Overprotective much" Luke said and everyone laughed again.

" Anyways we were thinking of going out, maybe for dinner tonight" Niall said and everyone looked at him.

" We were?" Blakely asked and Niall nodded.

" Yep and we're going out now" Niall said.

" I think that's a great idea, but I really hope they're no fans outside" Louis said.

" You guys are in luck" Ashton said and everyone sighed.

" Well are you guys coming?" Liam asked and they nodded.

" As long as you're with me" Michael winked at me and I couldn't help but give him a smile.

" Micheal!!!" Harry shouted and Micheal laughed.

" Let's go then" Louis said in a loud voice.

Then we left the arena and walked outside and luckily, no one was out.

We all got into separate cars. Blakely, Harry, Imogen and Liam in one;Zayn, Niall, Calum and Ashton in another car; then, Micheal, Louis, Luke and me in the last one.

" So let's hit the road" Luke said as he took control of the wheel.

" I think it'll be a good time to tell me about yourself" Micheal whispered to me.

" Well... I guess I'm me, I guess" I shrugged.

Then Louis cleared his throat and turned his attention to the window.

This is going to be one awkward drive.

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