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" Okay... You're free to go in" the security guard said giving us tickets as we paid for our entrance. We all got in and to my non-amazement, a lot of people were here having so much fun.

" They're so many people daddy" Blake said out loud because of the noise.

" Yep" Harry said.

" So what should we do first?" Niall asked.

" Yes, yes, yes, I want us to go on the ferris wheel" Blakely pratically jumped on Harry's waist making him laugh.

" Geez babe, you're so excited" Harry said.

" Of course I am, now please... Ferris wheel" she said.

" Alright let's go" Harry said then everyone followed up until we got to where the ferris wheel was and to my greatest amazement, few people were all lined up under a shade waiting to get on the ferris wheel.

" Thank goodness, there aren't so much people in line" Liam said dramatically holding his chest.

We joined the line and for a couple of minutes, we got our selves busy by discussing random stuffs.

Few minutes later.

It was finally time to get on the ferris wheel, so we gave our tickets to the employee in charge of the controller and he let us in.

We all got on the wheel in twos, Harry and Blakely, Liam and zayn, Imogen and Niall, then Louis and I.

" Thank goodness, we aren't riding on a roller coaster" Louis sighed.

" Why?" I chuckled softly.

" Have you riden on that thing before, because that is pratically a death ride" he said.

" Oh stop being a sissy, that thing is fun" I said knowing fully well that that ride is so scary.

" Says you" he said and I laughed.

" Yeah, I mean it makes me laugh when I see people make funny faces while on it" I said.

" Yeah that part is kinda funny" he nodded.

Before I could say anything else, I felt the ride going up slowly. Oh well, we're moving. Okay.

" You know..." Louis started making me look at him.

" Coming here, just reminds me of the good times I had when I was a child" he said smiling.

" Yeah, you're right, sometimes I kinda wish I was still a kid" I said as we ascended.

" You wish that too?" He asked.

" Yep" I nodded.

We kept each other company until the ride was over.

" That was fun" Blake giggled cutely.

" I agree with you on that one" imogen said.

" It's good that we didn't go on the roller coaster" Zayn said.

So everyone is afraid of the rollercoaster. Okay.

" Why? What's wrong with riding on a rollercoaster?" Imogen asked.

" Have you riden on that thing before?" Liam pratically yelled.

" Yes and it's fun not scary" imogen said crossing her arms.

" Calm down people" Blake yelled and everyone kept quiet.

" Thanks darling, I was totally going to say that too" Harry said.

" You're welcome daddy" she smiled sweetly.

" The carousel looks great..." I trailed hoping they'd understand what I'm trying to say.

" Yeah it does, I mean it's beautiful is magnificent" Louis said.

" Oh shut it, what I'm trying to say is let's all ride on the carousel"

" Isn't that for little kids?" Zayn asked.

" Well... I see adults riding in the carousel, so pratically, it's for everyone" I said with touch of sass.

" She's right, let's all go on the carousel" Harry said.

Then we all lined up at the carousel line waiting to get on it.

" Are you set , adorable?" Harry asked Blake as he sat her on one of the fake horses.

" I was born set" she said like a warrior causing Harry to shake his head and laugh.

We all sat down on the fake horses and giggled like little children.

" I can already feel the fun" Imogen said hyperactively.

" Me too" I said.

And that's how the ride began.


The ride moved slowly and I was enjoying every bit of it. I looked at Blake and saw her giggling. Cute.

Then my eyes moved from Blake to imogen and I could notice how happy she seemed. The way she laughed and smiled really brought a smile to my face.

I noticed how her dirty blonde hair moved as the ride moved slowly which made her look so beautiful.

She was talking to Arielle and I could tell they were both joking around.

" Hey mate" someone said beside me making me come out from my daydream.

I looked and saw that it was Niall.

" What?" I asked.

" I see you're staring at Imogen" he said wriggling his eyebrows annoyingly.

" What? No I'm not" I said rather quickly.

" Yes, you are , now tell me do you like her?" He asked.

" What... No... Are you out of your mind man? " I denied.

" Mhmm, I see" he bluntly said then focused on the ride.

But wait... Do I like imogen?

I looked at her and saw how she flipped her hair out of her face and for some reason it made my heart flutter.

Now I know...

I like Imogen.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now