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I watched as the two older women worked together in the kitchen preparing lunch and for that reason a smile crept on my lips.

" Hey" Gemma's voice startled me making me jump a little.

" Geez , Gem, you frightened me"

" Oops" she chuckled.

" You should apologize for frightening me" I said.

" How about... No" she smiled.

" Whatever, what do you want?" I asked.

" I just want to ask you a question" she said.

" Okay...?"

" Has it ever come to your mind that you and Dalia actually look alike?" She asked.

" Why do you ask?"

" I don't know, maybe because I noticed that the both of you have similar personalities, you both look alike, you have the same color of eyes, you're close to each other...". Then i cut her off.

" ...maybe it's just the course of nature. Nature can be tricky sometimes" I shrugged.

" Arielle, I don't know but I'm just saying what I discovered and noticed" she shrugged putting a grape in a mouth.

My mind wandered around with what Gemma had said. Everyone's saying the same thing...well...some people but still....

How do I look so much alike with Dalia? Blake has also said the same thing. What the heck is going on? I'm so confused.

Everytime I'm around her (Dalia), I always feel this kind of strange connection between the both of us which was way beyond weird. I also feel so free and relaxed around her and each time I talk to her, it's just as if I'm talking to myself in the mirror. Why are we so alike?

" Lunch is ready!!" Mom yelled from the kitchen, bringing me out of my deep thought.

" Finally" Gemma said then walked over to the dining table and then the others followed along.

" Should I call mommy and daddy?" Blake asked.

" Don't worry about that, darling we'll take it up to them in the room" Dalia said then went upstairs with my mom while the rest of us ate our lunch in peace.


A week later
(Sorry I'm a bit fast, i just don't know what else to put in)


I wiped my forhead as I had just finished cleaning up the boys room. Geez, boys are so not in my league of tidiness.

I walked over to my mom's room which was the last place left for me to clean.

Entering the room, I discovered that her room wasn't so messed up but it definitely needed some cleaning for sure.

Everyone was downstairs (especially Dalia) which gave me an opportunity to clean without any distractions.

I walked over to her window, pulled the curtains up, letting the fresh air in which left the room, ventilated.

Then I removed the previous bed sheets in the hope of changing it to another one.

I arranged my mom's skincare items on her vanity table then wiped out the dust with a piece of clothing making sure a single trail of dust isn't found or felt.

After a few minutes, I decided to arrange her bookshelf. I looked up the shelf and saw a brownish book sticking out of place. I raised my hands trying to put it in but instead it fell on my head then onto the floor.

" Owww" I whined.

Looking at the book on the floor, I couldn't help but notice how it was already opened. Stupid book.

I picked it up and noticed that the book looked like some sort of old journal and it had some dust particles on it. I cleaned of the dust from  the front of the book and then inscription "Anne's Journal" was written on it.

It's probably a Bible journal. I thought to myself.

I debated in my mind whether to check what's written in the book or not and at the same time, I felt like I had to know what was in the book.

Out of curiosity, I opened up the first page of the book and some Bible quotes were written. Oh well, it isn't so bad.

I continued to flip through the pages of the journal until I noticed some pictures printed and pasted in the journal.

I looked closely and saw that it was Harry and Gemma's baby pictures. Aww, they looked so cute. I continued to flip until I noticed a note written with a date then I read it.

22nd of September, 1996

On this day, we found a baby laid in a box abandoned in the cold. We took her in then named her...


Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now