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" Finally" Imogen sighed then we both got out of the car and walked over to the front door. I rang the doorbell then the door opened and Zayn stepped out in full view.

" Hey, you two" he greeted then let us in.

" Hey Zayn, vas happenin?" Imogen asked.

" Nothing much, just the same boring routine" he shrugged.

" What about Harry and Blakely?" I asked.

" They're in , Harry was really wondering where you guys where" he said but before anything else, Blakely ran over to us and welcomed us.

" Welcome family" she giggled.

" Hey baby" imogen greeted her then gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

" Hello Mommy, you're welcome back, you too Aunt Arielle" she said.

" Thank you darling, what about everyone else?" I asked.

" Well... Grandma's having her Bible studies, Aunt Gemma's in her room doing God knows what, Daddy's in the kitchen, Uncle niall is also in the kitchen with Daddy, Uncle Louis and Liam are in the backyard and uncle Zayn and I have been together for a while."

" Wow... Such a description, but thanks" I chuckled.

" You're welcome" she smiled sweetly then turned to Zayn.

" Let's go, Uncle Zayn" she took his hand and they both went to the living room.

Imogen and I then walked to the kitchen where we saw a cooking Harry and a frustrating Niall .

" Hey" I greeted then sat by the counter.

" Hey ladies" Niall smiled then put a waffle into his mouth.

" Hey babe" Harry kissed Imogen's cheek and she smiled.

" Why didn't you guys tell me where you were going today?" Harry asked.

" You were out with Blake , babe" imogen said.

" Fair point... But still...."

" You don't have to worry, Haz, we actually went to see a friend of mine at the hospital" I finally said and he sighed in relief.

" We also checked on the baby" Imogen added.

" So any new?" Niall asked.

" Yeah, the doctor said that the baby is in a good shape and she also added some pieces of advice so it's okay" I shrugged.

" That's good news" Harry smiled.

" Babe!!!" I heard Louis voice then he came over and hugged me, kissing me by the way.

" Get a room, you guys" Liam said, coming into the kitchen making me blush hard.

" Aww, she's blushing" Niall said.

" Guys!!!" I said and they snickered at me.

" Don't be jealous that I have a wonderful girlfriend" Louis rolled his eyes.

" Oh, I forgot we were single Pringles" Niall said, putting a Pringles chip in his mouth. Good call.

" Is dinner ready yet?" Gemma asked,as she came into the kitchen, phone in her hand.

" Almost" Harry replied.

" Okay... Oh welcome back, girls" she hugged imogen and I .

" How's the baby?" She asked.

" Pretty good, thanks" imogen said.

" Dinner's ready!!" Harry announced.

" Lemme go call Mom" Gemma ran back upstairs.

I cleared out the dishes from the table and washed them all in the sink. After,I dried them, I cleaned my hand with the table cloth and walked upstairs to my room, not talking to anyone cause for no reason, I felt so tired.

I looked at my phone and saw that the time was 9pm. Oh well, I better get ready for bed.

I changed into my PJs , put my hair in a bun, then layed on my bed. I charged my phone on the nightstand then got under the covers, letting sleep in.


~ Two days later~

" Yeah...sure...have a great day too" I just finished talking to Perrie on the phone which made me smile, I surely missed that girl and the rest of Little Mix.

I kept my phone on my vanity table then a little knock was heard on my door.

" Come in, Blakely I know it's you"

The door opened and the joy of this house, came in with a little smile on her face.

" How did you know it was me?" She asked.

" I know your style of knocking, babe" I laughed.

" Don't worry, sooner enough, I'll grow so tall and big." She raised her hand up and I laughed harder.

" I'm sure you will, what brings you here?" I asked.

" I just came so that you'll help me get ready" she said.

" Why?" I asked.

" Daddy said my home tutor will be here soon and now I have to look presentable"

" But you already look cute"

" I know... I guess I'm just so nervous right now" she sighed then sat on the bean bag across my room. I walked over to her an held her cheek.

" I'm sure, you'll find your home tutor to be a fun person, you don't have to be nervous, you'll do just fine, okay?"

" Okay, thank you Aunt Arielle" she hugged me.

" Now let's go downstairs to see what's up" I held her hand and we both walked down to the living room.

" Hey" I greeted then Harry smiled.

" Are you ready, baby girl?" He asked Blake and she nodded.

Then the doorbell rang.

" I'll go get it" Harry said then walked over to the door, opened it and a young lady came in with a smile on her face.

" You're welcome" Harry said to her.

" Thank you so much sir." She smiled.

" Blakely darling, come over" Harry instructed and Blakely ran over to him, holding his hand nervously.

" Blakely, I'd like you to meet your new tutor, Miss Emma"


A/n: Sorry, I wasn't able to update earlier, I just landed in London and I'm so excited to see my family again. But don't forget to vote and comment, thanks for reading.

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