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" Thanks for the food, Ari" Louis said as he dropped his plate in the sink and all I could do was nod my head .

" You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

" Then why do you keep nodding?" He asked and I sighed.

" Oh... It's nothing,, don't worry about me" I said trying to sound convincing.

" You sure?" He asked and I nodded again.

" I'm sure" I said then he nodded then left me alone.

I walked up to my room without saying a word then layed down on my bed, looking up the ceiling and sighing.

Few moments later

I heard a knock on my door and my lazy ass just yelled "Come in"

I heard the door open but didn't care to look at who had come in until...

" Hey"


" Hey" I replied to her and she sat down beside me.

" So what's up with you?" She asked and I sat up facing her.

" I don't think you're gonna believe what I'm about to tell you" I said and she nodded.

" Just tell me, maybe I might understand and be of help" she said and I sighed.

" Okay then... Here it goes... Imogen?"

" Yeah?"

" I like Louis"

" As a friend or..." She trailed.

" More" I simply said and she smiled big.

" I knew it" she said and I gave her a confused look.

" What do you mean by that?" I asked and she looked at me with a smirk.

" Well, I've always known you and Louis shared some sort of chemistry" she shrugged.

" That's not the case" I said and her smirk/smile dropped.

" What do you mean?" She asked.

" Well, last night... Louis proved to me that he kinda likes another girl and not me" I said almost in tears.

" What? Why?"

" I guess he only sees me as his friend or his best friend's sister" I held my face and imogen hugged me.

" Hey, it's okay, no need to be sad,  I'm sure everything is gonna be fine" she reassured me and I just nodded.

" You know, he will be an idiot not to like you" she said and I let out a little laugh.

" Thanks , Imo" I said then hugged her.

" You feel better?" She asked.

" Yeah, but now I've come to a conclusion that as a friend, I'm gonna support him, no matter what even though he likes another girl" I said.

" That's the spirit" imogen said .

" Now, putting that behind... Tell me what happened last night" I said and she giggled.

" Okay here it goes..."

An hour later

Knock, knock, knock

" Okay, who might that be?" Zayn asked as he walk to the door in hesitation.

" Someone's grumpy" Louis snickered and everyone laughed.

" I heard that, sass pants" Zayn said then opened the door then who came in really made my jaw drop.

" Hey guys"

" Lou" I yelled then ran over to hug her.

" Omg, Arielle" she hugged me tightly but not too tight.

" Hey" Harry came over to her and hugged her.

" Hey ma boy" Lou pinched his cheeks and he responded to it like a little child.

Then the rest of the boys and imogen went over to greet her.

" Hello Ari" a tiny voice called out to me and I saw that it was..

" Lux". (A/n: In this ff, Lux is like 4 years old so ... Yeah).

" How are you?" I asked and she smiled sweetly at me.

" I'm great and you?" She asked and I said "good"

I noticed that Lou's eyes were fixed somewhere and I couldn't help but follow the direction of her eyes and saw that she was looking at Blake.

" And who's this sweet angel that we have here" she said walking over to Blake who was hiding behind Harry.

Then Harry carried Blakely and placed her on his lap then she buried her face in his shirt.

" This is my daughter, Lou" Harry said and Lou's eyes widened with admiration.

" So she's the one you told me about?" Lou asked and Harry nodded.

" Hey, baby no need be shy, Lou's not a predator" Harry said and Blakely slowly raised up her face and Lou smiled.

" Wow, she's beautiful... What's your name, sweetie?" Lou asked.

" Blakely" she said quietly and Lou nodded then Harry kept her back on the ground.

" Hello, my name is Lux" Lux waved at Blakely which made her smile.

" I'm Blakely but you can call me Blake" Blake said and everyone went like "aww"

" Hey, what about I show you my stuffies" Blake said and lux face lightened up with joy.

" Sure thing" lux said and the two girls ran upstairs, giggling. Now the thing is, How do little kids become friends easily unlike me and my bored ass.

" They're so cute" Imogen said and lou laughed.

" And they became friends rather quickly" Zayn commented.

" Good thing, I brought her here" Lou laughed.

" So what brings you here, Lou" Niall asked.

" Well actually, I came here to say hi to you guys, hoping you guys are alright" Lou said.

A woman with a heart of gold.

" Yeah, we are" Louis said.

" Anyways, just as a reminder, don't forget the concert you guys will be having in Colombia" Lou said and I felt my head blow.


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