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" Are you enjoying your food?" Harry asked Blake and she nodded slowly. I looked at her food and saw that she was almost done with her Rice Krispies. Okay she is really hungry.

" Done" she said then drank a little water.

" You're a good girl" Imogen said and she smiled shyly.

I helped her out with her plate as I kept it in the sink and washed it quickly.

" So Blakely, tell us a little about yourself" Liam said sweetly and she shook her head.

" Oh... It's okay, maybe when you're ready" Liam said and she nodded again.

" You're scaring the kid" Louis hit Liam's head with a pillow then Liam returned the favor.

" You dare not hit me this peasant" Louis said.

" And you dare not hit me because I was just trying to be a good friend" Liam shot back.

Then Louis hit him back and that was how a violent pillow fight began.

I looked at Blake and saw how she ran over to Harry and hugged him in fear then Harry picked her up.

" Hey adorable it's okay" Harry cooed her.

" Make it stop" she said still hugging him.

" Stop it guys" imogen said but the duo seemed to be lost in their pillow fight.

" Guys!!!" Zayn said and the two looked at us.

" What?" Louis asked .

" Can't you see you're scaring the little girl, can't you just please act mature " Harry remarked and everyone stared at him.

"Holy... We're so sorry guys" Liam responded.

" You should be saying sorry to Blake here not to us" I said and the two came over to Blake and apologized.

" We're so sorry for scaring you Blake " they apologized.

" They said sorry , adorable" Harry whispered to her, she looked at them then smiled a bit.

" I think she's forgiven you guys" Niall said munching on some chips. What the hell?

Then Blake let out a look but cute yawn.

" Feeling sleepy, adorable?" Harry asked and she nodded holding on to Harry.

" Let's get you ready for bed" Harry stood up still carrying her but before he could reach the stairs, he looked at us, especially at me with a confused expression.

" What?" I asked.

" So where is she going to sleep tonight?" Harry asked quietly.

" She could sleep in my room, if it's okay with her?" I said then Harry made her to face him.

" Would you like to stay with Arielle in her room" he asked, she looked at me tiredly then back at Harry.

" No, I want to sleep with you daddy"

What in the world did I just hear? Daddy? Oh my God.

Harry looked at us quickly then back at her.

" What did you say" Harry asked her.

" i won't to sleep with you Daddy?" She said again causing Harry to stare at her for a minute.

" Oh... Uh... Yeah, you could stay in my room" Harry said and she smiled sweetly.

Then Harry took her upstairs.


I finally got to my door , opened it then we were finally in my room.

" Your room is big" she admired the room and I smiled.

" Thanks adorable" I said placing her on my bed.

I examined her then sighed.

" Right, we have to change your outfit cause it's a bit cold from the rain" I said.

" But I don't have clothes" she said back.

I sighed again. Should I call Arielle? Nah, before she gets her Arielle would have been sleeping.

Maybe she can borrow my shirt?

" Will you take my shirt?" I stupidly asked looking at my window but unfortunately there was no answer.

I looked over at Blake and saw that she was already fast asleep on the bed. Awww she's so cute.

I went over to her, wrapped her up in my blankets. Then I changed into my PJs before laying on the couch near my bed.


" Goodnight guys" Niall and the others waved to us as they walked upstairs leaving just me and Louis in the living room and let me just say, it was an atmosphere of total awkwardness. None of us were eager to say a word.

" Uhmm... Arielle?" Louis broke the silence.

" Hm?" I mumbled playing with my fingers.

" Uhhhh.... I'm sorry for what almost happened this morning" he said and that was when I looked up at him then remembered the kiss we almost shared earlier this morning.

" It's o..okay" I nodded and smiled nervously and he smiled.

Then the awkward silence came in.

" But there's something you need to know" he said and I stared at him .

" Yeah?" I answered.

" I....... You know what? Just forget it, goodnight Arielle" he said standing up from the couch and running upstairs.

What do I  have to know? What's he talking about?

Confused, I stood up and walked upstairs to my room where I changed into my sleep wear, layed on my bed and began to think about the day's scenarios until I slept off.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now