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I pulled up at the Mall's driveway then got out of the car.

" Finally, we're here" imogen sighed and I smiled.

" Yeah, let's go get some useable and sensible things" I said and she laughed.

" You sound as if the boys are not sensible enough to go to the mall"

" Have you met them?" I sassed and she shook her head.

" Let's go in" I said briskly walking past her and I could hear her groan.

" You've really got to slow down when walking, you know how much I hate running" she whined and I rolled my eyes.

" Shut up diva" I joked and I could hear her mumble on how much she hates running.

We walked around the mall for a couple of minutes before going into Victoria secret.


" Goal!!!" Louis yelled startling me almost to death.

" Man!!!" I threw a throw pillow that later hit him in the face.

" Louis you've got to stop screaming goal each time your favorite team scores" Zayn said while Louis just stuck his tongue at him.

" Our ears are delicate" Niall added and liam just laughed at our little drama.

" Whatever you peasants" Louis did an imaginary hair flip which made me roll my eyes dramatically.

" Uh, has Arielle called any of you guys" I asked and they looked at me in disbelief.

" She left like 20 minutes ago mate" Louis said in the obvious and I sighed. Twenty minutes sure seemed like 20 hours to me. Geez I sound like mom right now.

" Oh okay" I simply said.

" What's wrong mate?" Zayn asked.

" Nothing really" I said.

" You sure?" Liam asked and I nodded with a smile. I really hope Arielle and imogen are doing okay.


" Okay that was fun" imogen laughed as we got out of the third store we had gotten into.

" Yeah, you should have seen the cashier's face when we said we wanted to buy pregnancy tests" I laughed along remembering the little prank imogen and I played on the maternity store cashier.

" His face was just like ' what the fuck?' " Imogen laughed hard and I just chuckled because my guts had began to hurt me, the perks of laughing too hard with your best friend.

Then as we kept on walking around the mall, I mistakenly bumped into someone. Okay what the hell is wrong with my clumsy ass.

" Omg, I'm so sorry"

I knew I could recognize the voice from somewhere, Looking up, I dropped the shopping bags in shock.

" Perrie!!!" Imogen and I squealed.

" Omg girls" she squealed along and we all shared a girly group hug.

" Oh my gosh, it's been so long Perrie" imogen said and Perrie just gave us a huge smile.

" I know huh?, I missed you two so much" she said happily.

" We missed you two big time" I exaggerated and she laughed.

" So how's the Styles baby girl doing" she said holding my cheek and I giggled like a little child.

" Great thanks , what about you, p?" I asked and she nodded.

" I'm doing great, I've just been a little bit busy lately, you know work and all" she said in her high pitched tone.

" Yeah, I get ya, Little mix member. By the way , how about the other girls?" I asked.

" They're great to say the least, but they felt a bit lazy to come with me to the mall, so that's why you're seeing just me right now" she said and imogen and I laughed.

" Wait a minute girls, when did you guys come to Los Angeles?" She asked.

" Yesterday, why?" Imogen asked.

" Well, you guys mainly live in London so seeing you two here is a surprise"

" Yeah, we came over to see the boys, what I mean is, Harry kinda invited us to Los Angeles" I explained and she nodded in understanding.

" Okay thanks for the heads up, so where are you guys headed to?" She asked again.

" We just want to go into some few stores before going back home cause my overprotective brother said we should be back home in an hour and by the look of it, I think we have like 20 minutes left before we can go back home." I said and Perrie laughed.

" If he knows you're with me , he'll calm down, come on let's go into the dress store" she said pratically pulling us to the dress store.

Few moments later

We were already done with shopping and let me say we kind of over shopped which was kind of funny because how hands looked like we carried the whole mount Everest all thanks to Perrie for loving every thing in the store.

" Did you guys bring a car?" Perrie asked.

" Yeah, it's just parked somewhere" imogen answered.

" Thank goodness, I took an Uber here and it was a bit stressful" Perrie said then we all walked to where my car was parked.

I unlocked the car and we all went in , Perrie at the back seat and imogen and I at the front seat.

" Let's go before someone gets cranky" I giggled then turned on the ignition and before you know it, we were finally out of the mall on our way home.

I can't wait to see how Harry looks the when he finds out I spent over an hour at the mall. Oh well.


A/n: sorry for not updating earlier, spending time at my mom's work place is so stressful and tiring but thankfully I've been able to update even though I feel it isn't so good. But all the same thanks for reading you guys .

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