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You see in life, things happen to teach us that life can be a carousel. It goes round and round and I learned that for the better.

All through my life, I have learnt that family love is one of the strongest love anyone can ever experience to keep going.

After all the drama and all, I finally moved in with my real mom who was Dalia, visited my dad who was serving a life sentence in prison for murder, turns out he killed more people than expected.

I might not be staying in the same house with the others but I know is that I'll always consider myself as part of the Styles family and also a part of the one direction family , no matter what.

" Aren't you coming Ari" my mom (Dalia) called from downstairs.

" Yeah, I'm coming.."

So guys, until next time. See you all.

This is Arielle signing off.




I wanna thank everyone for reading this book especially you bestie bailey7040. I'm thanking you specially for all your ideas and support, you're really one of a kind. My appreciation is also extended to those you added this book to their reading lists. I'm still shocked by the number of those adding this book to their lists. I mean, damn.

I know y'all aren't so happy that the book ended but I've come to announce to you that I'll be writing a new book but this will be mainly on Blakely, but in later years (like a sequel). Stay tuned for the story.

~ Bella ~

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now