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Few hours later


Blakely was finally done with her lessons and now she was on her way downstairs with Emma who wore a smile. I guess those two sure had fun together.

" My princess is back" Harry exclaimed which made Blake to run into his arms cheerfully.

" Daddy!!!" She exclaimed and I couldn't hold myself from smiling like an idiot.

" Hey" I said to Emma and she smiled at me.

" Hello, Miss Arielle" she said politely.

" You know you can literally just call me Arielle, because I think you should be older than me" I said and she chuckled.

" No prob, Arielle" she laughed.

" So how was your lesson, baby girl" mum asked .

" My lesson was actually great, Miss Emma is just an amazing teacher and I'll love it if she would always come around to teach me" Blake said.

" Really?" Harry asked.

" Yes daddy" she nodded.

" I guess she has already gotten used to you, Emma" Imogen said.

" Well... I guess so too" Emma replied.

" Wow, that's an improvement of Blake's confidence" Liam nodded.

" I'm always confident" Blake said back.

" Sure you are..." Niall mocked which earned him a deathly glare from Blakely causing him to shut up.

" I think I should be on my way now" Emma announced.

" Already?!? Won't you love to stay for dinner?" Gemma asked.

" But it's getting late" she said .

" Oh nonsense dear, we wouldn't love you to leave without us showing you how hospitable we are" my mom said which made Emma smile nervously.

" So, what do you say Emma?" Niall asked. Oh boy.

" Uhmm... Maybe I'll stay" she nodded and everyone smiled.

" Okay everyone procced to the dining table" Louis announced out loud.

With that, everyone walked to the dining table while my mom served us with a delicious dinner which comprised of macaroni and cheese.

" Yay, Mac and cheese" Blake clapped.

" You love em?" Zayn asked.

" You betcha" she replied.


We all put our plates in the sink while Harry and Zayn did the dishes since it was their turn to wash the dishes.

While the rest of us proceeded to the living room.

" Thank you so much for the dinner, Mrs Styles" Emma thanked my mom.

" You can just call me Anne, dear" mom said.

" Oh okay" Emma nodded.

" That's okay"

" So you'll be coming tomorrow?" Niall asked her.

" Sure I will" she nodded.

" We'd be expecting you" Niall smiled and I couldn't help but notice Emma blush like crazy.

Okay, what in the world is going on between these two?

Imogen and I glanced at each other and gave each other knowing looks.

" Alright, bye" Emma said then left the house.

" She's so beautiful and polite" Niall said dreamily and everyone gasped.

" I said that out loud, didn't I?" He asked and everyone nodded slowly.

" Wow, so you think she's beautiful mate?" Louis winked at him causing him to groan.

" I didn't really mean to say that, guys" Niall said.

" Do you like Miss Emma, Uncle Niall?" Blake asked with a smirk.

" No I don't" Niall answered.

" Sure you don't" Blake sassed then rolled her eyes.

" Anyways, I'm going to bed, I'm so tired" Blake yawned.

" Come on, darling let's go up to your room and get you ready for bed" imogen took Blake's hand and the both of them went upstairs.

Then my attention went back to Niall who was already sitting on the couch. I chuckled a bit then looked at Louis and yawned.

" I'm so tired" I yawned again.

" Awww, my baby's so sleepy" he puckered my lips then pecked them.

" Come on, sleepy head" he said taking me upstairs to tuck me to bed.


Four months later★

A lot has happened this past few months, Blakely and Emma had already become close friends with our little Niall still having a crush on her and Dalia and I had really spent a lot of time together which is a bit weird because I feel so connected to her.

Presently, I was in Imogen's room helping her to pick an outfit. At this time, her baby bump had begun to show.

" Does this look right?" She asked holding up a grey sweatshirt.

" Yeah, I guess" I shrugged.

" Not helping" she glared at me.

" Look, Imogen, we've been here for about an hour trying to get you changed into something good and you know we're not going to any fashion show, we're going to the hospital" I said, making my point clear.

" I guess you're right, I'll just wear this so that we won't be late for our appointment with Dalia" she sighed and I nodded then she went in to change.

Then the door opened and Harry stepped in , already dressed up.

" Is she ready yet?" He asked.

" She's getting ready"

" Oh, I guess I'll have to wait for her I guess" he sat next to me on her bed.

" I see you can't wait to know your baby's gender" I smirked.

" Well... Yeah" she smiled so big which made me chuckle.

Then imogen stepped out of her closet wearing the sweatshirt with a black leggings and with a pair of Nike shoes.

" Babe" she said and Harry stood and kissed her.

" Are you ready?" He asked.

" Yeah, let's go" imogen grabbed her purse and the three of us left the room then went downstairs and before you know we three left the house on our way to the hospital and let me just say I was a little bit pumped and nervous for Imogen.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now