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I whimpered for the hundreth time as I felt my already tear-soaked pillow. My mind wandered back to what the boys said earlier and no matter how much I tried to forget about it, it just keeps coming back to my mind, thereby increasing the number of tears I shed on my pillow.

I heard my door open and close but I chose not to look at who had already come in, because at that time, I just didn't care anymore.

" Babe?" . Louis' voice sounded softly but I gave him an answer with a sniff.

" Babe, calm down please" he said, bringing me close to his chest.

" Why do you guys have to go... And without us?" I managed to say out and I could feel him sigh.

" I'm so sorry, but it's all the management's fault"

" Why?" I asked.

" They felt like bringing you guys along will cause a major distraction to us and that they expect us to be a professional band" Louis finally let out making me look up at him sadly.

" I hate your management" I said as I couldn't cry any further.

" It's mutual... But believe me babe, the boys and I tried to convince them to letting you girls come along but they insisted that we shouldn't come with you girls." He said and I sniffed and wiped my face.

" You know what, it's okay" I said then he pulled me in for a hug again.

" Please stop crying... For me?" He said and almost immediately I stopped crying.

" But promise me one thing" I said.

" What is it?" He asked.

" That'll you'll call and text while you're on your tour"

" That...I promise" he nodded then gave me a peck on my lips.

" It's okay, stop weeping, you beautiful creature" he said, making me smile at him.

" That's better" he kissed my forhead.


" Don't worry, babe, I promise that'll you'll hear from me everyday" Harry promised me and I nodded.

With that, he lifted up my face and wiped my tear stained face.

" Yeah, we'll miss you all" Anne said, hugging Harry.

" No kidding" Gemma joined in the hug.

And before you know it, everyone joined in the hug.

" By the way, when do you guys leave for your tour?" Arielle asked.

" In a week" Liam answered and we nodded.

" That's okay, at least we get to spend an extra one week with you boys" Anne smiled .

" Of course, mom" Harry said.

" So, does anyone want to do anything?" Niall asked.

" At this point, I really want to be reunited with my bed" Arielle yawned and Louis kissed her cheek.

" Yeah me too... It's been a really busy day." Gemma said.

" Goodnight kids" Anne said walking upstairs.

" Come on, I'll help tuck you in" Harry took my hand upstairs, causing me to chuckle.

" You know I'm not a baby right?" I asked.

" I know... But you're my girlfriend and you're also my baby, now hush and let me tuck you to bed, baby" he said, causing me to laugh.


          Next day••


My eyes opened to the sound of my phone buzzing. Hesistantly, I grabbed the phone from my nightstand to check out what the hell was making it buzz and to my greatest disappointment, all I could see was random ads and notifications popping up on my phone .

Gosh, sometimes I just hate the internet.

I groaned then placed it back on the nightstand. I felt a little bit uneasy, then stood up and went over to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and did a disgusted face and again, the uneasiness came again.

What was wrong with me?

Then a thought popped up in my mind.

What day was it?

I looked at the calendar, that hung in my bathroom (weird, I know) and noticed the red circle on the day 14.

Oh no.

I looked down at my pants and noticed the red stain on it. What in the fuckery fuck?

I groaned then changed into my toiletries, changing my shorts by the way.

Oh Mother Nature, why, oh why?

I walked back into my room, changed my already stained sheets and layed on my bed hugging my pillow as the pain in my guts punched me hard.

After a while, my door opened and I already knew who it was.

" Good morning to my baby girl" Louis came over and hugged me but I scooted away from him.

" Morning" I said indifferently.

" Uhhhh... Okay, how was your night?" He asked.

" Pretty okay" I said, managing to hide the excruciating pain.

" Why do you sound so grumpy?" He asked, noticing my attitude.

" Why won't I sound grumpy and besides that, what's even good about the morning, this morning is nothing but shit" I yelled out and he was taken aback, like he wasn't expecting this from me.

" Babe...?"

" Don't babe me, go get me some chocolate" I commanded.

Then, immediately, my door opened revealing my shirtless older brother who had a confused look on his face.

" What's going on?" Harry asked.

" It's none of your business, man" I said .

" She's acting grumpy" Louis said worridely.

" Well, don't blame me, blame my bleeding womanhood"

And at that moment, they both understood what was going on.

" Omg, it's code red" Louis put his hand to his face.

" You better get her some chocolate" Harry warned.

" Not some... Get me alot" I yelled and the two boys ran out to get my order.

" Ow" I whined.

And for a reason, I wish I was a boy.


Thanks for reading, I kinda wrote this on my aunt's laptop due to the fact that Wattpad was glitching on my phone. So sorry it there are any mistakes.

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