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" What in the world..." I exclaimed as we entered into the luxurious movie room/home theater.

" Welcome to my theater" Dalia said, in a dramatic tone which made me chuckle.

" Jesus Christ..." I whispered to myself.

" What's the matter" she asked. I guess she heard me.

" You literally have a cinema in your house" I said.

" Yeah...not to brag but it actually took me four months to put this place together" she told me.

" Wow, this place is just wow" I exclaimed again.

" Why, thank you" she smiled then we both took our seats on the middle row couch.

" So which movie are we talking about here?" She asked.

" Uhmm... What about Pirates of the Carribean?" I asked.

" Of course" she said then she took up a remote to control the big screen in front of us.

" Pirates of the Carribean" she muttered as she searched for the movie and within a minute, it was found.

" Time to dim the lights" she said then used another remote control to dim the lights. The perks of being so affluent.



Uncle Zayn and I walked into the house, laughing and giggling as we came back from our little ice cream hangout.

" That was so fun, Uncle Zayn" I said to him.

" Sure it was" he nodded.

" Hey, you two sneakies are back " Uncle Liam said as we came over to meet us.

" We didn't sneak out, Uncle Liam, we actually went for a ice cream hangout" I told him.

" And you guys didn't inform me?" Uncle Niall came out of the kitchen. Not surprised.

" Sorry to say this, but I actually wanted a me and Blakely moment" Uncle Zayn said to them.

" That's so cute". We all looked up and saw Uncle Louis, walking down the flight of stairs majestically.

" Uncle Louis!!!" I waved to him which earned me a smile from him.

" How are you, sugar?" He asked.

" Great I guess, What about Aunt Arielle?" I asked, looking around.

" She went to see Mrs Dury" he plainly answered me.

" Without informing me?" I yelled.

" Hey, you know you were out before she left the house" Uncle Liam said to me

Approaching footsteps could be heard from the stairs. We looked up and saw my daddy coming downstairs, looking so tired and worn-out.

" Geez, what in the world happened to you!" Uncle Louis asked.

" I'm so tired right now" Daddy muttered.

" You need rest, mate" Uncle Liam told him.

" I wish that'll be possible" he said.

" You know what... Get yourself up your room, take a nap and we'll handle the rest" Uncle Zayn instructed him.

" Guys..."

" You heard him" Uncle Niall sternly said.

" Ugh fine" daddy groaned then he looked at me and immediately I left uncle Zayn's grip and began to walk up the stairs slowly.

" Blake..." My daddy called my name but instead I ignored him and continued to go upstairs without looking at him.

As I reached the first step, someone grabbed me from behind. I looked back and saw my daddy.

" No" I whined.

" Please can I talk to you?" He asked.

" I don't want to talk to you daddy, put me down" I said, trying to get my feet on the ground but unfortunately, my daddy was too strong for me so eventually, I gave up.

Then he brought me back on my feet and gave me a repentant look.

" I know you're so mad at me" he started.

" Well...yeah, you don't have time again for me, you're always busy with everything even when I wanted to show you a drawing of our family, you shunned me out like it didn't matter"

" Blake..."

" I understand that you're stressed out with everything but that doesn't really mean you have to be mean to me, I'm just trying to ease you off from stress, but I guess you don't see it that way" I said, tears in my eyes.

" I'm sorry..."

" That's what you say each time, daddy and it really seems like you're not acting like you're sorry" I said.

" What's happening?"

I looked up and saw my mommy standing few feets away from us. Immediately, I ran to her and hugged her.

" What's wrong?" She asked.

" I can't say mommy, but will you please take me to my room, I really need to rest my head." I said.

" Sure... Come on" she held my hand and the both of us walked over to my room, leaving my daddy.



I messed up...again.

Seeing my daughter this angry really made me realize how stupid I've been in ignoring her and shutting her out.

" She's really mad at you, mate" Louis voice brought me back to reality.

" I know, I'm so stupid for making her feel like this... Is she ever going to forgive me?" I asked.

" I'm sure she will, Blake's a nice kid, but you'll have to earn her forgiveness" he shrugged

" You're right, but how?" I asked.

" I don't know how you're gonna do it, but you'll have to do it" he said.

" I have to think of something before she hates me"

" I wish you luck" he tapped my shoulder then left.

Don't worry, baby, daddy will earn your forgiveness and this time with sincerity.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now