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Few hours later (same day)

" Wakey, wakey" a familiar voice whispered in my ear which caused me to groan loudly.

" Get the hell away from me, Hazza" I moaned.

" Please just wake up, you've been asleep for a long time" I could hear him whine.

" So? Like Zayn said this is my home which also means I can sleep how much I want" I said.

" Okay that does it" he said and all of a sudden, I felt his fingers going through my stomach which made me wake up quickly with laughs.

" St...top" I said reacting to his tickles. Was he really being serious right now?

" That's what you get for not getting up, when I asked you to" he said still tickling me until I fell off my bed.

" Oww" I whined as I rubbed my arm. I looked up at him and saw him smiling victoriously.

" I hate you" I murmured.

" Love you too, Ariana" he said then helped me up.

" Since I'm up, what the hell do you want?" I crossed my arms.

" I was thinking we could spend the day together, you know let me make up for the time lost" he said with an eager expression.

" Where are we going?" I asked.

" I don't know but a drive around the neighborhood would do" he shrugged and I huffed the hair that covered my face.

" So what do you say?" He asked.

" Let me get dressed first" I said and he smiled then hugged me.

" You're the best" he said and I nodded.

" Yeah, thanks now get out" I said and he smiled then left my room. I sighed then checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 1: 45 pm. Shit, I really slept well.

I went into the bathroom, took a little shower then afterwards got dressed in a plain sweatshirt with fitting joggers and a pair of Vans then I brushed my hair and put it in a loose side ponytail.

Afterwards, I grabbed my phone, left my room and ran downstairs where I saw the boys and imogen downstairs discussing something I didn't care about.

" Hey" I greeted.

" Sleeping beauty is finally awoken from her beauty sleep" imogen mocked and I rolled my eyes.

" Oh just shut it" I said playfully and she laughed.

Then my eyes made contact with that of Louis' and then I looked back down.

" Hey are you ready?" Harry asked and I nodded with a small smile.

" Where are two going to?" Liam asked.

" We're just going for a drive around the neighborhood" I said and he nodded.

" Okay, in that case, you guys should get Nandos for me " Niall said and everyone turned to look at him.

" What?" He shot and I laughed.

" We'll see about that" I chuckled and he smiled.

" Okay, you two have fun" imogen hugged us and then we told our goodbyes then left the house.


" So tell me, what do you think about L.A so far?" Harry asked as he held on to the wheel.

" Uhmm, to be honest, it feels like a second home to me but still to say, it's a very busy place" I said looking out the window as I noticed how many people went about their lives.

" It sure is busy and fun" Harry said and I smiled.

" Yeah I guess"

" Hey, would you like to eat something?" Harry asked and I nodded.

" Yep, cause you know I didn't eat breakfast and lunch" I said and his eyes went wide.

" You didn't what?" He sounded shocked.

" Harry, you woke me up by 1 , you should know this" I said in an obvious tone and then he sighed.

" You're right, my little sister shouldn't be so hungry" he said.

" Harry..."

" We're going to Dunkin donuts" he chanted. Then turned the car around to Dunkin donuts drive thru.

Getting there, he put on his sunglasses as a camouflage that I knew made no sense.

" Hello, welcome to Dunkin donuts, may I take your order?" A man asked through a small stall.

" Yes, uhmm, we'd love to have uhhh..."

Then Harry turned to look at me and I told him what I wanted.

" Ah yes , we'd love to have one chocolate glazed donut and uhmm... One vanilla frosting with Pringles" Harry said and the man nodded.

After a while, our orders were given to us. Thanking the man, Harry drove out of the drive thru and we were back on the road.

" So where are we going next?" I asked taking a bite from my donut.

" I'm guessing the park" he said then took a turn to where the park was located.

On getting there, we saw that a few people were in the park and I could have sworn, I heard Harry sign in relief.

" Thank goodness, just a few humans" Harry said dramatically and we both got down from the car with our donuts . We got into the park and sat on a bench.

" Man, this donut is good" I moaned.

" I know right?" Harry smiled and I nodded.

" Thanks for today harry" I finally said and he smiled.

" It was nothing actually, I'm just giving my sister the special treatment she deserves cause she's a queen" he said and I awwed at him then hugged him.

" Thanks again" I said and he kissed my forhead.

We kept on discussing random stuff when I noticed how the weather had changed.

" I think it's going to rain anytime soon" I said then Harry looked up.

" You're right, we should probably get going before the rain meets us" Harry stood up and I followed up.

Before any of us could move, I felt something like water drop on my arm.

" Too late" I practically yelled and the rain began to fall.

Harry grabbed my hand as we both ran looking for the car. All of a sudden, I stopped in my tracks as I heard crying.

" What are you doing, Arielle" Harry yelled. Following the sounds of the cry, I finally found out that it was coming from a tree nearby.

" Over there" I pointed then the both of us ran there, actually with me pulling Harry.

Getting there, we noticed a little girl of about 6 years old crying and she appeared to be cold.

" Omg" I put my hand to my mouth and Harry's mouth went wide.

" What's she doing out here" Harry asked.

" Do you think I know that?"

" What do we do?" He asked.

" Let's help her" I said then Harry carried her and placed her on his lap then we both ran to the car and placed the little girl at the back seat and covered her up with a spare coat.

Then Harry and I got in and drove out of the park.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now