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Next morning


I felt something a little bit hot hit my eyelids. Opening it slowly, I saw that it was the sun rays. Wait is it morning already?.

I groaned deeply then stretched out my body.

I looked over at the bed and saw that my little angel was still under the covers. Walking over to her, I sat down beside her and admired her beauty.

I removed some of her curly strands out of her face then kissed her forehead and cheek. Then she rolled over and opened her beautiful eyes slowly.

" Daddy?" She called out and yawned.

" Good morning beautiful" I said helping her to my lap and I watched how she rubbed her eyes.

" Good morning Daddy" she said and I smiled.

" Did you sleep well last night" I asked and she nodded.

" It's way better than my former room that is cold and mean" she said then I kissed her forehead.

" It's okay, adorable, but right now it's time to do our morning routine" I said.

" Would you like Arielle to help you out with your morning routine?" I asked knowing fully well that I can't take care of a child very well.

" I don't knowww" she dragged.

" Come on, please?" I begged with puppy dog eyes.

" Okay anything for you daddy" she hugged me then I stood up from the bed and we both walked over to Arielle's door.

I knocked gently on it and heard a soft 'Come in'.  Opening the door, we saw my little sister sitting on her bed with her pyjamas still on her body.

" Hey guys, good morning" she smiled.

" Good morning Ari" I kissed her cheek and she let out a huge smile.

" Good morning" Blake said shyly.

" Morning princess" Ari said.

" Anyways, Ari I kinda need your help" I said.

" What's up?" She asked standing up.

" Uhmm... Can you help me out in... You know ... Blake's morning routine?" I asked.

" Well how can I say no? I'll help you out" she said.

" That's why I love you, thanks sis" I said and she smiled.

" I love you too, come on Blake, let's get you showered and brushed" Ari said and I handed Blake over to her even though she was still a bit shy.

" Okay I'll see you girls later" I said then left the room.


" Okay, cutie pie, let's head over to the bathroom" I said and she nodded shyly.

We both went into my bathroom where I helped her brush her teeth, good thing I had an extra toothbrush in my toothbrush holder.

Then I gave her a warm bubble bath since the atmosphere was a bit cold or should I say a bit freezing.

" Bubbles, bubbles" she giggled as she popped some bubbles in the bath tub.

" Yeah that's right,bubbles everywhere" I said and she rubbed some bubbles on my face then giggled. Aww.

I did the same thing to her then imitated her giggles.

" You look like Santa" I said and she smiled.

" Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas" she did the santa voice then we laughed.

After a while, I dried her up and wore a pinkish robe around her with a silky towel wrapped around her hair.

" Wow" she exclaimed.

" I look like a princess" she did a little twirl.

" You sure are a princess" we both laughed.

Then I wore her one of my shirts that sure looked like a dress for her.

Then I did her hair and put it into two space buns which made her look damn cute.

I heard a knock on my door then said 'Come in'. The door opened revealing Harry who came in with a smile on his face.

" Daddy" Blake ran to him and he picked her up and put her on his waist.

" Hey adorable, how's it going with your Aunt Arielle" Harry asked looking at me.

Aunt Arielle. Well that's new.

" She's so fun to be with and I feel like I can't be shy around her again" she answered

" I know right, but you don't have to be shy where she is, she's a cutie like you"

" Awwww thanks big bro" I said and I  hugged him.

" You know daddy, aunt Arielle sure looks like someone I know, Mrs Dury, who lives in my former street" Blake said and I let out a confused expression.

" Well I guess that's a coincidence" I said.

" I guess so too" she shrugged.

" Okay now that you're clean, we can go downstairs and eat breakfast" Harry said and she nodded. She's too cute.

" Aren't you coming?" Harry asked.

" You guys go ahead, I have to take my bath so I'll join you guys soon"

" See you later then" Harry said then left my room with Blake.

Then I went into the bathroom to do my business.

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