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We finally pulled over in front of you, the rain was still falling intensively. Then without saying a word, we both came down from the car and ran over to the back seat.

Harry opened the door, then took out the little girl then wrapped her close to his chest.

" Hey it's okay" Harry said she was still sniffing.

We both ran to the doorstep, opened the door and ran in to see the boys watching a movie.

" Guys,where have ... Oh" Liam paused in his words then looked at the little girl that was in Harry's arms.

" Okay who is she?" Louis whisper yelled and we ( Harry and I ) without saying anything, ran upstairs to my room where Harry sat her on his lap as he sat on my bed.

I brought out some cozy blankets and wrapped it around her.

" She's so cold" I said and Harry nodded.

" I wonder what she was doing under that tree" Harry said and looked at the girl then we saw how she had already made herself comfortable in Harry's arms.

" Aww, she's so cute" I admired her and for the first time, I noticed that she had curly hair and she appeared to be from the mixed race.

We heard a knock on the door and without hesitation, I said "Come in"

The door opened revealing the other boys and imogen.

" So can someone tell me what's going on here?" Imogen said and I shushed her.

" Why will you be guys bring a little girl to our house" Louis asked quietly.

" It's a long story, Lou" I said.

" And we're willing to hear it all" Liam crossed his arms.

I looked over at the little girl and saw that she was already asleep.

" She's asleep" Harry said then laid her on my bed then covered her with the blankets.

" Let's go downstairs" I said and everyone left my room.

" So you're telling me you found her under a tree in the rain?" Imogen asked and Harry and I nodded.

" Wow, that was really brave of you two" Zayn said

" But the thing is... What about her parents, wont they search for her or something" Liam asked.

" We haven't thought of that yet" Harry started.

" But maybe when she's awake, we'll ask her about her parents" I said and Harry nodded.

" Yeah we'll do that, let's just wait for her to wake up"  Harry said.

Then all of a sudden, we heard soft sobs coming from upstairs. Oh no.

Harry and I looked at each other then ran upstairs with the others following behind us.

We all got to my room and saw that the little angel was already awake and she was crying.

" Now, now, it's okay baby" Harry tried to calm her down.

Then she looked at us and cried the more.

" Oh my God" Niall exclaimed dramatically.

" How the hell do we deal with a crying and kid?" Louis asked and we all gave him a look.

" Uhmm, it's okay sweetie, stop crying please" I begged then she calmed down a bit then looked at us with questioning eyes.

" W...ho are you?" She sobbed.

" We're good people, honey and we promise we won't hurt you" Harry said.

" Are you sure" she asked and we all nodded.

" Look angel, we just want to ask you one question" Liam said and she nodded.

" Is there a way we can reach your parents at least tell them that you're here cause it was said that you were found under a tree" Louis said . Way to go sport.

" Uhmm... My parents?" She asked.

" Yes" Louis answered.

" My parents are gone" she said and we all gave her a confused look.

" What do you mean by that?" I asked.

" Well, my daddy and mommy left me under the tree and said that they didn't need me because I seemed useless, so right now they're not with me" she explained and deep down in me, I felt pity for her.

" Omg that's not good" Niall said.

" We're so sorry that happened to you, because I believe that you're special not useless" Harry hugged her and she smiled.

" Thank you, but who are you guys?" She asked. Okay for someone her age, she was really smart.

We introduced ourselves to her and she smiled.

" It's nice to meet you all" she smiled and I smiled.

" So what's your name?" Zayn asked.

" My name is Blakely and I'm six years old" she giggled.

" You've got such a beautiful name, can we call you Blake" I asked

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" You've got such a beautiful name, can we call you Blake" I asked.

* Sure" she said and we smiled.

" I'm hungry" she said then Niall's face lighted up like the sun.

" it's an emergency people" Niall said and we laughed.

" Come on darling, we're going to the kitchen" Harry carried her and placed her on his waist. Then we all went downstairs.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now