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" Wakey, wakey"

I groaned at the sound of someone trying to wake me up.

" What?" I moaned, not daring to open my eyes cause I wasn't ready to give up my sleep yet.

" It's already afternoon, sis... So get your ass up".

That voice sounded familiar

I opened an eye and saw that it was none other than Gemma.

" Gemma, what in the world are you doing in my room?" I asked sitting up the bed.

" It's already noon and I can't let you sleep all day"

" But this is pratically my house" I stated but she just pushed it away and dragged me out of bed until I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

" Ow" I whined rubbing my elbow painfully.

" Sorry about that, I just had to do that" she apologized and I inwardly rolled my eyes at her.

" Anyways, I want you to get dressed, we're going to Target now" she said.

" Why are we going to Target?" I asked.

" You know, just to get free stuffs I wasn't able to get back home in London" she shrugged and I managed to stand up.

" What about everyone?" I asked as I noticed that the house was strangely quiet.

" Well, the boys went to the studio for some sort of recordings and mom, Imogen and Blake went to the park to spend time together" she explained and I nodded.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 1pm. I guess I really slept in today.

" So hurry up and get dressed... By the way, Louis said I should tell you that he loves you"

" Aww, he's so sweet" I said.

" Of course he is... Now go take a shower and look clean" she said and I got my lazy butt to the bathroom. I took a look at myself in the mirror and to my non-amazement, I really looked like a mess.

I got my toothbrush,then got to work with it. Afterwards, I stripped off my PJs and got into the shower.


I wore my pair of jeans with a cute blue top then completed my look with some boots.

I lazily left my hair to dry out on its own, since I felt so lazy to style it up.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and left my comfortable room.

I could hear Gemma honking the car outside and to be honest, it really made me weak.

I ran outside to see her impatiently waiting for me in the car, I jogged to the passenger side, got in and strapped the seatbelt across my body.

" You ready?" Gemma asked.

" Yeah, whatever, let's go" I said, a bit moody.

" Alright, grump". She started the car and then we left the house.




e walked around the store, trying to figure out what to buy and what to ignore because everything sure looked tempting to buy.

" Let's head to the clothing section" Gemma said as she dragged me with her over to the clothing section that was filled up with variety of clothes, ranging from size to size.

I watched as Gemma picked out some clothes and hung it on her arm like an hanger.

" You know you could have just shopped online, right?" I asked as we walked to the changing room.

" Well... I don't really trust online shopping.. because your order might be something you'd regret buying"

She had a point.

" So little sis, I prefer to shop physically" she patted my arm then handed the clothes over to me.

" Now, hold these for me , while I try them on" she said going into the room with one.

• Few minutes later.

She came out and did a little twirl with the dress she had tried on.

" So what do you think?" She asked.

I studied the outfit, the way the diamond stones glittered around the golden dress really made my eyes glitter.

" It's beautiful, but has too many glitter" I said truthfully.

" Yeah, I thought the same too" she said then went on to try the second outfit.

•• Almost an hour later

We finally decided on the outfits that we thought were the best then walked over to the cashier with smiles on our faces.

" So this is it" Gemma gave the clothes to the cashier who cashed them out then looked up at us.

" That'll be a total of $300" the lady said.

" Okay" Gemma said as she digged her hand into her purse and brought out her credit card then gave it to the cashier who swiped it in some kind of machine and handed it back to Gemma with our clothes.

" Finally" I breathed out as we came out of the store" I said and she laughed.

" I was thinking we could also get some toys for Blake" she said going into the toy store.

" And after that, can we please get some Starbucks, I'm really hungry" I held my stomach.

" Sure"

This was going to be a very long day for us.


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