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It's been 4 hours since Gemma and I went to Target and then to Starbucks and for a reason, I kinda regretted coming along with her, because she sounded as if we were going to be back home in no time and it's been freaking 4 hours.

Gemma pulled up at the driveway and i immediately got down from the car but not without grabbing some stuffs.

" Aaaaah" Gemma exhaled.

" It feels so good to be back" she sighed and I smiled.

" Oh, it does, I missed my bed" I said walking briskly to the porch. I rang the doorbell as I noticed that the door was unlocked.

Maybe the others were back home.

Then the door opened revealing a smiling imogen.

" Hey girl" she greeted and I smiled.

" Hey " i responded then went in. Afterwards, Gemma came in with some bags.

" Seems like you two went shopping" imogen commented.

" Of course we did, it was so much fun" Gemma responded.

" I wish I could say the same but my feet says otherwise" I groaned and Gemma just poked her tongue at me.

" Oops sorry about that" imogen said.

" Thanks... By the way, what about Blake and mom..." I asked.

" .... And the boys?" Gemma helped me out in completing my sentence.

" First of all, Blake is fast asleep and mom's having a shower and the boys aren't back from the studio yet" Imogen explained.

" But it's 6pm, how is she asleep already?" I asked.

" I guess, she was tired then decided to go to bed early" she said.

" Did she eat dinner?" Gemma asked.

" Yeah, I just made some waffles for her , since that's what she wanted" Imogen shrugged then helped us with some of the bags.

" Welcome back home ,kids"

I looked up and saw my mom descending the stairs.

" Hey Mom" I walked over to her and hugged her.

" Hey sweetie, how did your day go?" She asked.

" It was..." Gemma began.

"... Something close to stressful" I cut in.

" You went shopping with Gemma right?" She asked and I nodded.

" Always stressful" my mom sighed.

" Mom!!!" Gemma said and the rest of us laughed.

Then Gemma, Imogen and I walked upstairs to place the items we bought at gemma's room since that's what she instructed us to do.

We heard the front door open and then some familiar voices came next.

The boys were here already.

We then ran downstairs and before you know it, Imogen and I  jumped into the arms of our boyfriends.

" Hey darling" Louis kissed me passionately.

" I missed you" I pouted and he picked my cheeks.

" I missed you too baby, do you know how much it means for me not to hear your voice for almost a day?" Louis asked and everyone went aww.

" I could say the same thing too" he pecked my lips this time.

" How was the meeting?" Gemma asked.

" It was okay.." Niall shrugged.

Something seemed a bit off

" You sure?" Imogen asked and the boys nodded slowly.

" Okay, what happened at the meeting?" I asked, scanning their glumy faces one by one.

" Uhhhh... Just normal meeting stuff" Liam said.

" What's going on here?" My mom asked.

Then they all sighed.

" First off, let's sit down" Zayn said and everyone took their seats in the living room.

" So... What's up?" Imogen asked.

" This is going to be a bit hard in telling you guys" Louis started which ignited my utmost curiousity.

" Well... While at the meeting, we .... We were told that... We... we..." Liam stuttered.

" We what?" My mom asked impatiently.

" That... That we'll be going on tour" Harry finally dropped the big news.

" Is that what you couldn't tell us?" Imogen asked.

" That's not only it" Niall said and everyone kept quiet.

" Then what's the rest?" I asked.

" The thing is you guys won't be able to come along..." Harry said.

" Why?" Imogen asked.

" Believe me we tried to talk the management into letting you guys tag along but our request was deeply rejected" Louis said .

" Well... How long is the tour?" I asked holding back the tears I felt we're going to fall anytime soon.

" It's just 3 months" Liam said and I stood up immediately.

" Just?!?" I yelled out.

" Calm down, Arielle" Harry said.

" No, don't tell me to calm down, how can you guys be away from us for three freaking months and then you just call it 'just' ?" I yelled not caring anymore as I let down angry tears.

" What?"

Everyone turned around to see Blakely standing at the foot of the stairs holding her teddy bear.

" Blake?" Imogen called out with a shaky voice which showed that she was also crying.

But before anything else, Blake turned around and ran upstairs.

" Blakely!!!" Harry said running up the stairs with her.

I took one last look at the rest of the boys and ran up to my room.



" Blake" I called as I ran over to her room.

Going in, I found her sobbing into her sheets.

" Blake?" I said.

" Go away, daddy" she said.

Then I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

" Hey, listen to me" I tried to touch her but she flinched.

" Please don't touch me" she pleaded with tears.

" Look, I'm sorry"

" So you're gonna be leaving me for three months?" She asked.

" I'm sorry but it wasn't our fault, our management refused you and the others" I said.

" But why?" She looked up at me.

" I wish I knew but I don't, I'm so sorry" I apologized.

" Please don't leave me daddy, I don't want you to leave like my former daddy and mommy" she cried out.

" No, no no, I'm not going to leave you that way, I'll never leave you.. but don't worry I promise to always call you"

" Everyday?" She asked.

" Everyday, it's a promise" I said and she hugged me.

" It's just that I'm going to miss you so much" she said and I kissed her head.

" I know, baby" I said and I held her in my chest for a surprisingly long time until she slept.

Thank you so much management for ruining everything for us.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now