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Time went by quite quickly which was somewhat surprising.

Presently, my mom, imogen, Gemma and Blakely were all in my room getting me ready for the date.

" My little sister is all grown up" Gemma kissed my cheeks .

" Ugh... Gemma... I'm not a kid, you know" I said pretending to be angry.

" Oh, so it's sweet when Louis does it" Gemma poked her tongue at me causing the rest to laugh.

" She's uncle Louis girlfriend, aunt Gemma , so it's meant to be sweet" Blakely stated.

" Facts" I said raising up my hand then we both shared a high five.

" You kids are something else, honestly" Gemma shook her head.

" Don't be dramatic, Gemma" my mom laughed.

" Seriously" Imogen shook her head.

" So... It's time to get changed into your outfit" my mom squealed happily then handed a cute outfit over to me.

" Come on, what are you waiting for... Get changed" imogen pushed me into my closet where I got changed into the cute outfit they picked out for me.

 Get changed" imogen pushed me into my closet where I got changed into the cute outfit they picked out for me

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I came out of the closet and their jaws dropped dramatically.

" Wow" Blakely exclaimed.

" So, how do I look?" I did a little twirl.

" You're so gorgeous" Gemma said while my mom looked at me in admiration.

" My baby's all grown" she said and I smiled.

" Thanks guys, I feel a bit nervous tho" I breathed out.

" Honey, you'll be fine" mom put her hand to my cheeks then hugged me then the rest of the girls hugged me.

" I think it's time for me to meet Louis" I said, grabbing my purse.

" Wish me luck" I said then we all left my room.

On the way downstairs, I noticed Louis at the foot of the stairs, looking all gorgeous.

On the way downstairs, I noticed Louis at the foot of the stairs, looking all gorgeous

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(Louis' outfit)

I walked downstairs, careful not to trip cause of my nervousness.

" Wow, babe" louis kissed my cheek.

" Hey" I greeted.

" You look stunning" he whispered and I blushed.

" Awww" everyone said.

" You're looking great, sis" Harry patted my cheek and I smiled.

" Thank you, haz" I hugged him then Louis and I left the house and got into his car (with him, opening the passenger door for me)

Then he got into the driver's seat and then we both hit the road.


We made a stop to a really fancy looking restaurant. Louis got out of the driver's seat, jogged over to the passenger side then opened the door for me, holding my hand as I came down from the car.

" Thanks babe" I gave him a sweet smile in which he returned the gesture.

We connected our hands together then walked into the restaurant together.

As we got in, I was taken away by the exquisite decors that made the restaurant look unique. It sure looked expensive and fancy .

" This place is amazing" I said, looking around the place.

" It sure is" he replied.

Then a young man approached us with a kind of binder in his arm.

" Good day sir and ma'am, you are welcome to L'equise (I seriously made that name up, lol)

" Yes, reservation for Louis Tomlinson" Louis said in his best British accent.

Then the man checked the binder for a while then looked up at us then nodded.

" Come with me, as I show you to your area" the man turned around then we both followed him to a table for two that sure was decorated with fine cutlery, napkins, expensive flowers...you name it.

Louis helped me out with my seat then sat down.

" This place is awesome, babe" I said, still admiring the whole place and I could hear him chuckle.

Then a waiter approached us and we immediately picked up our menus and in it , there were so many food that sure looked tempting.

" May I take your orders?" The waiter asked politely.

" Yeah, sure... What would you like, babe?" Louis asked me.

" To be honest, I don't really know , they're so many choices" I said.

" We'd have the souffle" Louis told the waiter which made him bow and leave with our already taken orders.

After a while, our food arrived and to say it was attractive would be an understatement.

" Thank you" Louis and I thanked the waiter then looked at each other.

" Shall we?" Louis asked.

" Yes, we shall" I laughed then we digged into our food.

Taking the first bite, I moaned inwardly which made Louis look at me with surprise.

" What?" I asked.

" Nothing, just wondering how you can you moan so well" he cheekily said and I gave him a playful glare.

" Now's not the time to make dirty jokes, babe" I said to him and he laughed.

As we kept eating, an unfamiliar lady approached our table with a smug smile on her face.

" Louis?" . The unidentified lady greeted and Louis just gave her a look and kept silent.

" Aren't you gonna say anything?" She asked. Okay what is going on?

" What are you doing here?" Louis asked.


Cliffhanger here.

Who do you think Louis regarding to?

Find out in the next chapter ❤️

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