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My eyes as I woke up to the ray of sunshine hitting my eyes. I cursed under my breath then yawned.

I looked at Blake and imogen and saw that they were still asleep. Taking my phone from Blake's bedside table, I checked the time and saw that it was already 9:23AM.


Then all of a sudden, the door bursted open and to my greatest surprise, it was the boys.

" Good morning world" they sang weirdly.

" What the hell, you weirdos?" I said with a little bit of disgust in me.

" It's time to wake up" Louis yelled then from the corner of my eye, I noticed a pillow being thrown at Louis' face making him to shut up. Then I looked at saw that it was imogen.

" Some people are trying to sleep here" she said.

" But it's morning" Niall said.

" Already?" Imogen asked sitting up lazily and everyone nodded.

" Gosh, I don't still understand why the nights are short" she groaned.

" Someone's grumpy" Liam laughed.

" Has my princess woken up?" Harry asked coming towards us.

" No" a sweet voice said.

" Blake?" I called.

" I'm not awake" she said rubbing her eyes.

" But you're talking" Harry laughed.

" No I'm not" Blake said causing everyone to erupt into laughter.

Then Harry scooped her up from the bed and spinned her around the room.

" Okay I'm awake" she giggled then Harry stopped spinning her then kissed her head.

" Aww" everyone echoed.

" Well it seems like you girls had a lot of fun last night" Harry said.

" What do you mean?" Imogen asked. Just to let you know, Imogen says stupid and asks stupid questions each time she wakes up.

" We could tell because we heard lots of giggling from our rooms" Zayn said.

" Yes we had so much fun, we did our nails, ate cute cupcakes, told some stories  and yeah.... Aunt Arielle said a little speech on how girls are better then boys then we wore matching onesies" Blake said.

" Wow, that's a lot of fun" Harry said.

" Wait a minute, you said a speech on how girls are better than boys?" Louis asked looking at me .

" Yeah I did, anything wrong with that, dude" I sassed, glaring at him

" No... Nothing" he shook his head.

" Great answer" I said then stood up from the bed.

" Well you guys should get ready cause we're all going to the amusement park" Harry said then Blake did a little squeal.

" We're what?" Imogen stood up quickly.

" Going to the amusement park" Harry repeated.

" Really?" Blake asked.

" Yes baby" Harry answered her.

" Oh then, we have to get ready. Harry hand over Blake to me" I said then Harry handed Blake to me.

" Okay boys get out, it's time for the girls to get ready" imogen pratically chased them out of the room.

" C'mon Aunt Arielle and aunt imogen, let's get ready" Blake held our hands.

" On it, but first you have to take a bath and also brush your teeth then aunt Imogen and I will go  to our rooms and get ready" i told her.

" Will it be okay if I said that we should all get ready in my room?" She asked sweetly.

" That's no problem, I'll go get our outfits" imogen said leaving the room. I really hope she picks out a good outfit for me.

" Come on, let's get you clean" I said then we both went into the bathroom.


" And

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" And... There" I said as I had just fixing Blake's here .

" Wow, it's so beautiful" she said in admiration.

" Thanks" I said.

Then i applied some lip gloss on my lips and applied a waterproof mascara cause I didn't feel like baking my face today.

I looked over at imogen and saw her applying makeup.

" Geez girl, you're not going on a date" I laughed.

" Whatever, jelly Bean" she said. I rolled my eyes then looked at the clock that hung up at one side of the room.

" We don't have time, Imogen"

" Calm down girlfriend, I'm almost done with this" she said.

A little while longer, we all left the room and walked downstairs majestically.

" Boys" imogen said in a royal manner making the boys look at us and their eyes went wide.

" Like what you see?" I winked and they nodded.

" Wow  , you guys look stunning" Harry said.

" Thanks Daddy" Blake giggled making Harry to smile.

" Since everyone's here, let's all get to the car" Louis commanded.

Wait... He's driving?!?!. Oh no

We all went outside and into the car. Then Louis started the ignition and then we were out of the driveway.

Can't wait to get the amusement park.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now