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For a couple of minutes, I couldn't move an inch of my body. I felt totally paralyzed. My hands trembled as I held on to the journal. I couldn't believe what I just read.

This can't be true!

This can't be true!!

This can't be true!!!

Immediately, I got on my feet as I was on my knees. Tears fell down from my eyes to my cheeks nonstop.

I stepped out of the room and walked downstairs. I felt like a zombie because I just didn't know what I was doing. My mind became blank and all I could think of was... I was adopted?

I looked up and saw everyone sitted in the living room discussing. I walked over to my mom, still holding the journal.

" Hey Arielle" Niall greeted.

" Please tell me this isn't true" I said to my mom and she had a confused expression.

" What are you talking about, Ari?" She asked and I held up the journal and immediately her eyes went wide.

" Arielle..."

" Who am I ? Please tell me this isn't true" I sobbed furiously.

" Calm down, Ari" Harry tried to touch my arm but I flinged his hand off me and looked at him like he was a complete stranger.

" Where did you find that?" My mom asked.

" That's not what I'm talking about... All I just want to get is that... Is this true? I'm not your real daughter?" I asked.

" I can explain..." She said.

" What's there to explain...when everything has already been said in your journal"

" You hid the truth from me for 17 years . Why?" I asked.

" I'm sorry... I was just waiting for the right time to tell you"

" When did you think was the right time? Was it until I die that you'll tell me?" . As I said that, she began to sob.

" Just tell me the truth... Who's my mother and why am I adopted?" I asked.

" Arielle..." Dalia said, with tearful eyes.

" No, Dalia please stay out of this, all I want to know is who I am and who my real family are" I yelled.

" I don't know who your mother is Arielle" She yelled back to me.

" Calm down please" Imogen said, a bit weak.

" When you were a baby, I found you in the box and at that time, the cold was very dangerous. You could have died, Arielle. I know I'm wrong by not telling you this but you should also know that if I hadn't found you, that you'd probably be dead by now, so I don't know who your real mot..."

" I'm your mother"

My eyes went over to who had said that.

" Dalia?" Harry asked.

" Yes... I'm your real mother, believe me or not, you're my child" Dalia cried.

I felt weak in the legs then sat down on the nearby couch, staring mindlessly at the ground, crying my eyes out.

" I'm sorry..." Dalia apologized.

I became speechless all of a sudden and continued to stare at the ground mindlessly.

" Owww.... Guys?" Imogen said.

" Mommy" Blake said.

Then Imogen held her belly and yelled "ow"

" What's wrong, babe?" Harry asked.

" Harry.... Ow"

" Imogen..." Gemma held her.

" Tell me what's wrong?" Harry panicked.

" My water has broken" Imogen said quickly but we were still able to understand it.

" Oh my God" Harry said then ran upstairs then downstairs with his car keys and some bags.

" I'll help you with those" Zayn took it from him then Harry managed to lift Imogen in bridal style.

Imogen screamed and began to get emotional.

" Calm down, Let's take her to the hospital" Dalia instructed then everyone ran outside and got into separate cars.

• Hospital •

Imogen was rushed into the hospital then wheeled to where she'd be able to give birth.

At that time, I had two things on my mind. Why my life was a lie and I really hoped Imogen would be fine.

I looked over at Dalia who looked like she wanted to talk to me. She wasn't able to carry out the delivery for Imogen because she knew she wasn't in the right state of mind to do so.

" Babe?" Louis said to me but I kept silent.

" Come on" he grabbed my hand then led me to another corridor that was away from where the others were.

" Look, I know you're contemplating in your mind right now about your life. I've known you for a very long time and that was ever since we became a band. I also know that you're mad at Anne and Dalia at the moment but what I want you to know is that, there's a reason for everything in life. Anything that happens in life has a reason behind it and some of those reasons is what saves us. I have a feeling that those two women you're mad at, actually did what they did to save you. All I just want you to do is calm down and go talk to them. Find out what really happened before you jump into conclusion. Please" he pleaded.

I nodded then he took me back to them and immediately, Dalia walked over to me with tears in her eyes.

" How are you my mother?" I asked.

" Can you hear me out please?" She pleaded and I nodded then we both took our seats.

" It all started when I found out I was pregnant, your father was really against it and wanted me to terminate the pregnancy but I insisted that we keep it maybe the baby would be a boy and with that, he allowed me to keep the pregnancy. Nine months later, I gave birth to you and when your father found out I had a girl, he threatened to kill me and you and to prevent that,I had to leave the house. I searched for a good family that'll take you in but my search was in vain. As I was about to give up, I found the Styles family, I was afraid that they won't take you in, so I had to put you in a box, in the hope that they'll hear you when you cry. And I'm really surprised that they really took you in" she explained.

" But how did you know that I was your daughter?" I asked.

" Through the your star birthmark, I gave it to you before telling you goodbye in the hope that I'll find you again" she said and by that time, I broke down in tears.

I stood up then walked over to mom (Anne)

" Arielle..." I cut her off by giving her a big hug.

" I'm sorry for overreacting, you saved me and I owe you a lot" I cried into her shoulder and she rubbed my back in circles and with that I also hugged everyone.

Then I walked back to my real mom, and hugged her dearly.

" Thank you for saving me from an abusive father and also letting me have the opportunity to have a good childhood"

" You're welcome baby" she kissed my forhead.

" Imogen styles" a doctor said out loud and we all went to meet him.

" How's Imogen?" Harry asked.

" Congrats, Mr Styles, she successfully gave birth to two beautiful baby girls"

" Oh my God" Harry put his hand to his mouth in surprise and I smiled big at the news.

" Can we see her?" Gemma asked.

" Yeah, of course" the doctor said and that was how a new chapter was opened in everyone's lives in just one day.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now