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Later that night

I was in the kitchen figuring out how to make sandwiches because I've always watched aunt Arielle and daddy make them.

Then I got to work. Time to be a chef , I guess.

After a while,

I was already done with the sandwiches and to be very honest, they sure looked good.

" Mmm, that looks tasty and delightful" uncle Niall said coming towards me. When did he come into the kitchen?

" You sure" I asked and he nodded.

" Indeed, don't mind if I do" he said trying to take a sandwich but I slapped his hand away.

" Ow, what was that for?" He whined.

" These are not for you, so scram" I said authoritatively.

"Then it's for what?" He asked.

" For some persons who aren't you" I sassed and he held his chest dramatically.

" Harsh" he said and I just flipped my curls and step down from the stool I was sitted on then ran to the backyard then placed it near the pool.

Then I ran up to my room and grabbed almost all my stuffies and put them in a big basket that was still okay for me to carry then I grabbed my nightlights and placed it in the basket.

Then I left my room and mistakenly bumped into someone. Uh oh.

" Uhmm...." I looked up and saw that it was uncle louis.

" Hey" I waved.

" Where are you going with your stuffs" he asked.

" Nowhere, I just want to play with them"

" But..." He said but I was running out of time.

" Bye, Uncle Louis , love you" I said walking away until I got to the poolside where I did my best in decorating the poolside.

Now, time to call daddy and aunt imogen.

I ran back inside and to my room where I grabbed the two colorful letters I wrote then slid one of it under daddy's door and the other under aunt Imogen's door.

I really hope they'd see it.


" Finally" I breathed out as I was already done with arranging my room. I looked around the room for a while until something caught my eye. A paper?

" I swear I picked up all the papers in this room and disposed them in the trashcan" I said then went over to my door and picked up the paper.

As the curious person I was, I opened up the paper and saw that it was a letter with Blake's handwriting on it.

Please come over to the pool side
- Blakely🐰

" She needs me at the poolside?" I asked myself then I kept the letter on my bedside table.

" Might as well check out what's going on" I said then left my room.


I had just finished talking to my mom on phone when I noticed something by my door. I went over to it and noticed that it looked like a letter.

I picked up the paper, opened it and saw that it was a letter from Blakely telling me to come to the poolside. What's going on?

I kept the letter then wore a shirt as my chest was bare and I wouldn't like to appear half naked in front of my daughter.

Then I left the room and walked downstairs.


" I really hope my plan worked" I said to myself until...

" Blake?" I heard a female's voice. I turned around and saw aunt imogen.

" Aunt Imogen" I said and she smiled.

" Hey, I kinda got a letter from..."

" Blake"

We both looked and saw that it was my daddy. Booyah.

" Hello Daddy" I waved.

" What are you doing here Imogen?" Daddy asked her gently.

" I don't know I just kinda got a letter from her saying I should come here" aunt Imogen said.

" Well I got a letter too" daddy said then they both looked at me.

" What's wrong baby?" Daddy asked me and I smirked.

" Please seat down" I said smiling.

Confused, they sat down by the pool.

" You did all this?" Aunt Imogen asked looking at all my decorations and I nodded.

" Yep, and I made sandwiches for you two" I said giving them the plate of sandwiches.

" Oh, that's nice of you, angel" daddy said and I smiled.

" Thanks Daddy"

Then they began to eat the sandwiches.

" Oh wait... I forgot dessert" I said running inside to get my gummy bears then back outside.

" Here" I said giving them and my daddy smiled.


I couldn't help myself but smile at Blake's cheekiness. I kinda knew what she was up to and I liked it because it was kinda cute.


" Geez, I totally forgot, Aunt Arielle would kill me if I'm not in bed now, Goodnight daddy, aunt imogen" I kissed their cheeks then ran back inside.

But deep inside me, I only wished for one thing, that my daddy and aunt imogen would become closer together.

I really hope my plan would work out for them.

Arielle StylesWhere stories live. Discover now